In this report, ACER provides recommendations on the proposed gas transmission tariffs for the Portuguese pipeline system.
In this report, ACER provides recommendations on the proposed gas transmission tariffs for the Polish pipeline system.
In this report, ACER provides recommendations to the Polish national regulatory authority in relation to the tariff methodology applicable for the Transit Gas Pipeline System (TGPS).
In this report, ACER assesses the methodology proposed for calculating the tariffs applicable to transmission networks in France.
This ACER-CEER report provides an overview of the latest developments in European gas markets and examines the drivers of the gas price spikes in summer 2022.
In addition to its annual monitoring of congestion, ACER publishes its Special Report on addressing congestion in North-West European gas markets.
ACER publishes its report on proposed gas transmission tariffs in Greece.
The Key developments publication (2023 MMR) provides an initial assessment of key developments in European wholesale gas markets over the recent months.
In its 10th report on congestion in the EU gas markets, ACER finds a tripling of network congestion. ACER calls on gas TSOs and NRAs to relieve the bottlenecks.