Monitoring the implementation of Terms and Conditions or Methodologies (TCMs)
Monitoring the implementation of Terms and Conditions or Methodologies (TCMs)

The EU electricity network codes and guidelines require, in certain instances, the development of more detailed rules and procedures, known as ‘Terms and Conditions or Methodologies’ (TCMs). These technical provisions ensure the establishment of a common regulatory framework for the internal electricity market and contribute to the EU’s decarbonisation objectives.
TCMs are developed by Transmission System Operators (TSOs) or Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) and are approved by either the relevant National Regulatory Authority (NRA) or ACER. Since 2016, over 190 methodologies have been adopted, each in line with the specific deadlines established by the respective regulation.
TCMs can apply at:
- European level, governing energy operations across all Member States.
- Regional level, spanning different geographical areas within the EU and addressing specific regional needs.
Monitoring the implementation of Terms and Conditions or Methodologies (TCMs)
What’s the role of ACER?

Under the ACER Regulation and the Electricity Regulation, ACER is responsible for monitoring and analysing the implementation status of the network codes and guidelines, as well as to assess their impact on the harmonisation of market rules.
ACER monitoring aims at facilitating market integration and ensuring non-discrimination, effective competition, and efficient market functioning.
To fulfil its role, ACER gathers information on the implementation of each TCM from NRAs and TSOs and presents an overview of their status through dedicated webpages: