Stakeholders' involvement
Involvement of stakeholders in the implementation of CACM Regulation

Development and amendments to CACM Regulation
The CACM Regulation has been developed in close cooperation with the Agency, ENTSO-E and stakeholders, in order to adopt effective, balanced and proportionate rules in a transparent and participative manner. In accordance with Article 18(3) of Regulation (EC) No 714/2009, the Commission will consult the Agency, ENTSO-E and other relevant stakeholders, before proposing any amendment to this regulation.
Development of terms and conditions or methodologies
Every proposal for the terms and conditions on methodologies, having a direct effect on stakeholders, should be submitted to public consultation before its submission for regulatory approval, in accordance with Article 12 of the CACM Regulation. The entities responsible for performing the consultation should duly consider the views of stakeholders resulting from the consultation, prior to its submission for regulatory approval. In all cases, a clear and robust justification for including or not the views resulting from the consultation should be developed and published in a timely manner before or simultaneously with the publication of the respective proposal.
Implementation of CACM Regulation
Pursuant to Article 11 of the CACM Regulation, the Agency, in close cooperation with ENTSO-E, has established the Market European Stakeholder Committee (MESC), in order to organise stakeholder involvement regarding single day-ahead and intraday coupling and other aspects of the implementation of the CACM Regulation and holds regular meetings with stakeholders to identify problems and propose improvements notably related to the operation and development of the issues described in the CACM Regulation.