Settlement Rules between TSOs
Development of methodologies related to TSO-TSO settlement

EU-wide TSO-TSO settlement rules for the intended exchanges of energy
What is it about?
All TSOs participating in the European balancing platforms have to implement the common settlement rules for the exchange of energy. These rules define the methodology to determine the settlement amounts of all intended exchanges of balancing energy resulting from the replacement reserves process, the frequency restoration process with manual and automatic activation and the imbalance netting process.
They also define how the settlement amounts and balancing congestion incomes are distributed among the TSOs.
Legal basis: Article 50(1) of the EB Regulation
Responsibility: all TSOs
Current status: The common settlement rules were approved by ACER in July 2020.
Implementation: Each TSO shall apply the relevant provisions of the common settlement rules once they participate in the European balancing platform for the exchange of balancing energy or the operation of the imbalance netting process. The TSOs participating in the replacement reserve platform shall implement and apply these common settlement rules by 1st July 2022.
Documentation on the approval process of the settlement rules.
TSO-TSO settlement rules for the intended exchange of energy within a synchronous area
What is it about?
These rules determine the high-level design principles of the common settlement rules, settlement amounts and prices for all intended exchanges of balancing energy resulting from the frequency containment process and ramping period.
Legal basis: Article 50(3) of the EB Regulation
Responsibility: all TSOs intentionally exchanging energy within a synchronous area
Current status: The common settlement rules of the continental Europe and Nordic synchronous areas were approved by relevant regulatory authorities in June 2020.
Implementation: The approved rules are implemented.
Documentation on the approval process of these rules.
TSO-TSO settlement rules for the intended exchange of energy for all asynchronously connected TSOs
What is it about?
These rules determine the high-level design principles of the common settlement rules, the settlement amounts and prices for all intended balancing energy’s exchanges of asynchronously connected TSOs resulting from the frequency containment process for active power output and ramping restrictions.
Legal basis: Article 50(4) of the EB Regulation
Responsibility: all asynchronously connected TSOs intentionally exchanging energy between synchronous area
Current status: The common settlement rules were approved by relevant regulatory authorities in June 2020.
Implementation: The approved rules are implemented.
Read more on the latest approved TSO-TSO settlement rules for the intended exchange of energy for all asynchronously connected TSOs.
Documentation on the approval process of these rules.
TSO-TSO settlement rules for the unintended exchange of energy for each synchronous area
What is it about?
These rules determine the high-level design principles of the common settlement rules, the settlement amounts and prices of all balancing energy’s unintended exchanges within a synchronous area.
Legal basis: Article 51(1) of the EB Regulation
Responsibility: all TSOs of a synchronous area
Current status: The common settlement rules applicable to all unintended energy exchanges have been approved:
in April 2020 within the Baltic and Nordic synchronous areas
in June 2020 within the Continental Europe synchronous area
Implementation: The rules are implemented.
Documentation on the approval process of these rules.
TSO-TSO settlement rules for the unintended exchange of energy for all asynchronously connected TSOs
What is it about?
These rules determine the high-level design principles of the common settlement rules, the settlement amounts and prices of all balancing energy’s unintended exchanges of asynchronously connected TSOs.
Legal basis: Article 51(2) of the EB Regulation
Responsibility: all asynchronously connected TSOs
Current status: The common settlement rules applicable have been approved by relevant regulatory authorities in January 2020.
Implementation: The rules are implemented.