Single allocation platform
Development of methodolgies related to the establishment of single allocation platform

Single allocation platform: set of requirements and methodology for sharing costs related to its establishment and operation
What is it about?
These rules and procedures address the single allocation platform’s functional requirements, governance, liabilities and cost sharing. The single allocation platform performs the execution of the long-term auctions in accordance with the harmonised allocation rules and any additional tasks required for the provision of long term transmission rights. All TSOs appointed the Joint Allocation Office (JAO) as the single allocation platform.
Legal basis: Article 49(1) and Article 59 of the FCA Regulation
Responsibility: all Transmission System Operators (TSOs)
Current status: The set of requirements and the methodology for sharing the costs of establishing, developing and operating the single allocation platform were approved by all regulatory authorities in September 2017.
Implementation: The single allocation platform is established and operating. The cost sharing methodology is implemented.
Read more on the latest approved single allocation platform methodology.