
ACER and energy regulators will draft new Framework Guidelines on sector-specific cybersecurity rules for cross-border electricity flows

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What is it about?

​​​In a push to further implement the EU's cybersecurity strategy, on 28th January 2021, the European Commission invited the EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) to draft Framework Guidelines on the cybersecurity of cross-border electricity flows. These (non-binding) Framework Guidelines developed by ACER and energy regulators, will serve as a basis for the development of the future (binding) cybersecurity network code in electricity.

ACER will run a public consultation in spring (April-May) and will submit the Framework Guidelines to the Commission by July 2021. 

Europe reinforces cybersecurity in energy-specific legislation and codes

Europe's 2019 Clean Energy laws are a turning point in the way the European Commission deals with cybersecurity in the electricity sector, by integrating cybersecurity directly into electricity sector-specific legislative acts.

Both the recast (2019) Electricity Directive and Electricity Regulation have cybersecurity measures. For example, the Directive deals with issues related to cybersecurity requirements for smart metering solutions. The Electricity Regulation provides the legal grounds for a binding EU-wide cybersecurity network code that will complement and further specify existing cybersecurity Regulations and Directives.

This new cybersecurity network code are electricity sector-specific rules for cybersecurity covering issues such as automation and data flows related to cross-border electricity flows, common minimum cybersecurity requirements applicable to all actors for the electricity markets as well as planning, monitoring and reporting obligations.  The Electricity Regulation also provides for a cybersecurity role for the new EU entity for Distribution System Operators (EU DSO entity).

In developing these sector-specific Framework Guidelines (which lead to binding network codes), ACER is contributing to Europe's bigger strategy on cybersecurity. 

Visit the ACER and cybersecurity page for more on what cybersecurity is, the rules in energy and how ACER pro-actively contributes to cybersecurity resilience.

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