
ACER and ENTSOG launch a joint platform to facilitate a smooth gas network code implementation


​A newly created web-based platform www.gasncfunc.eu launched today by ACER and ENTSOG will allow stakeholders to notify implementation and operational issues related to gas network codes already in force. A joint process between ACER and ENTSOG aims to develop commonly recommended guidance on how to address such issues.

ACER Director Alberto Pototschnig said: “I am very pleased that, through this new tool, we are now able to offer network users and other relevant stakeholders the possibility to notify us of problems related to the implementation of the Network Codes and Guidelines. The Platform will also make the assessment of these notifications by the Agency and ENTSOG, in their respective ambits of responsibility, more efficient, so that we will be able to respond more rapidly and therefore to contribute better to achieving the EU single energy market”.

The new “Joint Functionality Process for Gas Network Codes” has been set up jointly by ACER and ENTSOG with the support of the European Commission. With this new process, all relevant parties can notify issues through a web-based platform and be involved in finding solutions.

The process covers all gas network codes already in force. Participation in the process will require online registration. Non-registered users will have access to the list of submitted issues with a short description. The functionality process and the web-based platform will initially be considered as a pilot project which will be evaluated by ACER and ENTSOG after sufficient experience has been obtained.

The gas network codes and guidelines already in place are the ones related to Capacity Allocation Mechanisms (CAM), Congestion Management Procedures (CMP), Balancing (BAL) and Interoperability and Data Exchange Rules (INT). The joint “Gas Network Codes Functionality Platform” is available at www.gasncfunc.eu

A webinar to explain the process and illustrate all necessary details on how to use the platform will be held on 17 February at 16.00 CET (You will be able to access the webinar here).