
ACER calls for improvements to the new gas transmission tariffs proposed for Poland


ACER calls for improvements to the new gas transmission tariffs proposed for Poland

What is it about?

ACER publishes today its report on the tariff consultation for the Polish transmission network. The report provides recommendations to URE, the Polish National Regulatory Authority (NRA), on the proposed tariff methodology which will be used to set the tariffs for 2025 and 2026. The proposed methodology is based on the results of a consultation carried out by the Polish Transmission System Operator (TSO), which concluded on 19 January 2024.

What does ACER recommend?

  • Justify the proposed discount: the TSO proposed 100% discount at the entry point of the LNG terminal to increase the security of supply of the Polish network. ACER recommends that URE provides further justification on how the discount is set and how it supports this goal.

  • Set a fixed entry-exit split: despite the network code on harmonised transmission tariff structures (NC TAR) prescribing a fixed entry-exit split, the TSO proposes a variable split. ACER recommends setting a fixed entry-exit split to improve the predictability of network tariffs (e.g. network users could better forecast network tariffs).

  • Provide forecasts: ACER recommends that the NRA explains the indicative evolution of tariffs in 2025 and 2026. This information will be useful for network users to understand the proposed methodology and its impact over time.

  • Reconciliation of non-transmission services: ACER recommends reconciling potential under- or over-recoveries for both transmission and non-transmission services, separately. Doing so will enhance the accuracy of cost reflectivity of tariff.

What are the next steps?

By 18 July 2024, URE should adopt a motivated decision on the tariff methodology to be applied to the Polish transmission network. This decision shall also take ACER’s recommendations into account.

Access the report.

Access all ACER reports on national tariff consultation documents.