
ACER to decide on amending the electricity single intraday coupling products methodology

Electricity trading

ACER to decide on amending the electricity single intraday coupling products methodology

What is it about?

On 21 October 2024, ACER received a proposal from Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) to amend the single intraday coupling (SIDC) products methodology.

What is the methodology about?

The SIDC products methodology is defined by the Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management (CACM) Regulation. The methodology specifies the types of products that can be traded within the EU’s continuous single intraday market and in intraday auctions (IDAs). Here, trading begins the day before delivery and continues through the day of delivery, supporting real-time adjustments to supply and demand across borders.

Why amend the methodology?

In September 2024, ACER amended the single day-ahead coupling (SDAC) products methodology (where trades occur the day before delivery) to allow the introduction of 15-minute trading products (Decision 13/2024). The proposed changes for the SIDC products methodology aim to align with this update, allowing the introduction of 15-minute trading products in both day-ahead and intraday markets.

Harmonising the rules across both markets is necessary to comply with the EU Electricity Regulation and reduce entry barriers for market participants trading short-term products. These updates will enable participants to trade electricity in 15-minute intervals throughout the day, enhancing market flexibility.

What are the next steps?

ACER expects to decide on the amended methodology by April 2025.

Contact information

Interested parties may contact ACER on this matter at ACER-ELE-2024-012@acer.europa.eu by 11 December 2024 at the latest.

Relevant documents

All NEMO's proposal to amend the SIDC products methodology.

All NEMO's proposal to amend the SIDC products methodology (in track changes).

Explanatory note.