
ACER issued an Opinion on the implementation of investments in electricity transmission networks

​ACER has recently published an Opinion on the implementation of investments in electricity transmission networks. This is the first ACER Opinion in this field and it focuses on the increase of cross-border grid transfer capability from each investment and on the timing aspect (status and timing/progress) of investment components.   ACER identified a planned increase of cross-border grid transfer capabilities for about 50000 MW. An increase of cross-border capabilities for about 2000 MW was provided by 8 investment items commissioned, including the Estlink II (Estonia-Finland), the interconnection Puebla de Guzman - Tavira (Spain-Portugal) the East-West interconnector (Great Britain - Ireland) and some network reinforcements. Considering investments across the European borders and national infrastructures, 76 investment components (out of 838 being monitored) were commissioned until May 2014. However, 108 investment components returned to an earlier planning status compared to the ENTSO-E Ten Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) and Regional Investment Plans (REG) 2012.   Out of the TYNDP and REG investments, 44% are ‘on time’, 31% encounter delays (they cannot be delivered on time at the planned date), 21% are rescheduled (voluntarily postponed due to changes of the external driver) and 4% are expected ahead of schedule.   Regarding delayed investment components, ACER has found that 66% of them are delayed due to permitting issues, environmental reasons and re-routing, siting of substations and national law changes affecting permitting.   Regarding rescheduled investment components, ACER has found that 58% of them have been rescheduled due to changes on generation and demand side or changes in the overall planning data inputs. 18% of rescheduling is related to priority given to other transmission investments.   Finally, 32 investment components have been cancelled. ACER has found that 59% of them have been cancelled due to changes on the generation or demand side or in the overall planning inputs. The Opinion is available here.