
ACER will consult on the amendments to the electricity grid connection network codes

Last updated on 06.10.2024

ACER will consult on the amendments to the electricity grid connection network codes

What is it about?

ACER runs a public consultation from 17 July 2023 to 25 September 2023 to gather stakeholders’ views on concrete amendment proposals on two European electricity grid connection network codes:

Stakeholders can submit their comments separately, to one or both GC NCs.

The public consultation will last for 10 weeks.

Why change the rules?

Since the development of the first European grid connection codes in 2012, there have been important policy developments in decarbonising Europe’s energy and transport sectors.

The revisions of network codes are needed to update the existing regulatory framework to ensure Europe’s interconnected power system adapts to emerging trends, such as increasing number of electricity storage modules, electrical charging points for e-vehicles, or the proliferation of distributed energy resources.

What is the process of amending the rules?

In September 2022, the European Commission asked ACER to initiate the process of amending the existing European network codes. Since then, ACER has:

  • published a Policy Paper;
  • launched an initial public consultation to gather amendment proposals from stakeholders;
  • held workshops on different technical topics; and
  • developed concrete amendment proposals to the network codes for stakeholders' consultation.

On the basis of the input from this summer consultation, ACER prepared a recommendation for amendments to the European Commission later in 2023.

Access the public consultation page.

Learn more about the electricity grid connection codes.

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