
Implementation of the Grid Connection Network Codes: further actions needed to ensure full compliance

Electricity pillars

Implementation of the Grid Connection Network Codes: further actions needed to ensure full compliance

What is it about?

The EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) publishes an updated analysis on the implementation of the Grid Connection Network Codes, looking at the:

  • Network code on requirements for grid connection of generators,

  • Network code on demand connection, and

  • Network code on requirements for grid connection of high voltage direct current systems and direct current-connected power park modules.

The latest editions of the Implementation Monitoring Reports concerning the Grid Connection Network Codes were published in December 2020. The analyses showed an overall satisfactory level of implementation, but also highlighted a few compliance issues in various Member States.

Following these publications, ACER requested regulatory authorities to provide an update of their national information (in particular those that were not compliant with the Grid Connection Network Codes).

The analysis published today provides an update based on the replies collected from the national regulatory authorities.

What are the latest findings?

ACER confirms the satisfactory implementation status as indicated in the previous reports. However, the analysis shows that only a few of the identified non-compliances have been addressed.

The report also outlines some key policy recommendations and invites relevant parties to ensure full compliance with the Network Codes. In particular, it emphasises:

  • the importance of implementing the connection rules stipulated in the Network Code on requirements for grid connection of high voltage direct current systems, and

  • the need for further actions to bring national legal frameworks into full compliance with the harmonized rules of the Grid Connection Network Codes.

Access the report.