ACER Board of Appeal re-appoints Miro Prek as Chair, Andrea Biondi and Piet Eeckhout as Vice-Chairs

ACER Board of Appeal re-appoints Miro Prek as Chair, Andrea Biondi and Piet Eeckhout as Vice-Chairs
What is it about?

Congratulations to Mr. Miro Prek, as well as Prof. Andrea Biondi and Prof. Piet Eeckhout for their re-appointment as Chair and Vice-Chairs of the ACER Board of Appeal for an additional term of two and a half years (until 17 October 2026).
We look forward to continuing the fruitful cooperation and shared commitment with the Chair, the Vice-Chairs, the Members and the Alternates of the ACER Board of Appeal. Their standing, integrity and expertise are invaluable.
About the ACER Board of Appeal
The Board of Appeal plays an important role dealing with appeals lodged against ACER decisions. As such, it is important that its members and alternates act independently and in the public interest.
It is composed by six members and six alternates. They have a mandate of 5 years, which can be renewed. Members and alternates are selected among senior staff of the national regulatory authorities, competition authorities or other national or EU institutions with relevant experience in the energy sector.