Open Call
Open Call
Open call for Gas Capacity Booking Platforms to submit offers for Mallnow and GCP
The Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) calls for the submission of offers to select a web-based capacity booking platform to be used by transmission system operators (TSOs) for the offering of bundled gas capacity products at the Mallnow physical interconnection point (IP) and the GCP virtual interconnection point (VIP) between Germany and Poland.
Capacity booking platforms that are active in the European Union and fulfil the requirements of the EU Regulation establishing a Network Code on Capacity Allocation Mechanisms can submit their offers until noon, 7 June 2019. All capacity booking platforms fulfilling the requirements of Article 37(1) and (2) of the NC CAM are invited to participate.
Following the receipt and the evaluation of the offers, the Agency will decide which capacity booking platform shall perform the capacity allocations for the above-mentioned IPs for a period no longer than three years.
Further details of the Open call are available here:
- Open call for GAS 2-2019
- Annex 1 - Confidentiality
- Annex 2 - Catalogue of criteria on legal requirements
- Annex 3 - Template on legal requirements
- Annex 4 - Catalogue of criteria - IT features
- Annex 5 - Template on IT Self-Assessment
- Annex 6 - Case Study description and Template for evaluation
Any request for additional information must be made in writing to the e-mail address: bookingplatform(at)
Clarifications on the Open call (Last update: 24 May 2019)