PC_2024_E_07 - Public consultation on the draft network code on demand response

Policy area
Electricity markets, demand response
Contact information
Electricity Transmission System Operators (TSOs), electricity Distribution System Operators (DSOs), Regional Coordination Centres (RCCs), Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs), investors, network users, producers, suppliers, new market players, exchanges, balancing providers, public authorities, academics, think tanks, environmental groups, civic society and other interested parties.

Contact information


In June 2022, ACER was mandated by the European Commission to draft a framework guideline on demand response which serves as guidance for the system operators to then draft the EU network code. After engaging stakeholders via a public consultation and a workshop during the summer of 2022, ACER submitted the framework guideline to the European Commission in December 2022. The European Commission cleared ACER’s framework guideline in March 2023, and asked the DSO Entity and ENTSO-E to draft the proposal for the new binding EU rules.

On 8 May 2024, ACER received the electricity system operators’ proposal for an EU-wide network code on demand response. The proposal was drafted by the EU Distribution System Operators Entity (EU DSO Entity) and the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E). Their proposal also includes amendments to the three related electricity network codes: balancing, system operation, and demand connection.

Why we are consulting

After reviewing and, where necessary, revising the system operators’ proposal, ACER consulted on its revised draft.


Evaluation of responses will be uploaded shortly. 

Next steps

ACER ran a webinar during the consultation period, on 1 October 2024.

Update of 11 March 2025: ACER submitted its final proposal for a new EU-wide network code on demand response to the European Commission on 7 March 2025.