PC_2025_E_02 - Public consultation on the impact of peak-shaving products on the EU electricity market under normal market conditions

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What are peak-shaving products?
Peak-shaving products are market-based tools that enable market participants to reduce their electricity consumption during peak demand periods in exchange for compensation.
Under the Electricity Market Design (EMD) Regulation, the Council can declare a regional or EU-wide electricity crisis if wholesale prices become excessively high. In such cases, Member States can request system operators to use peak-shaving products to reduce power demand, helping to stabilise the grid and lower prices.
The EMD Regulation mandates ACER to assess the potential impact of developing peak-shaving products on the EU’s electricity market under normal market conditions. This assessment should also evaluate whether these products can be introduced without disrupting the functioning of electricity markets or redirecting demand response services towards peak-shaving products.
Why we are consulting
In February 2025, ACER established an Expert Group to provide guidance on assessing how the development of peak-shaving products might affect the EU electricity market under normal market conditions.
To further strengthen its assessment, ACER will be seeking input from stakeholders through this public consultation.
Next steps
Based on the findings of the assessment (expected in summer 2025), the European Commission may propose amendments to the Electricity Regulation to introduce peak-shaving products beyond electricity price crisis situations.