ACER webinar: Europe’s emerging hydrogen market
03/12/2024 10:00 - 11:00

What is it about?
ACER’s webinar presents the key findings of its first Market Monitoring Report (MMR) on the European hydrogen markets (published on 19 November 2024).
The report:
- Takes stock of the latest developments and sheds light on the main regulatory challenges facing the growth of the hydrogen markets at EU and national level.
- Provides an overview of the status of the hydrogen markets in the EU.
- Discusses key issues like repurposing gas networks and interactions of the hydrogen market with the electricity sector.
- Provides recommendations to European and national policymakers on how to foster the development of hydrogen markets.
Why should you join the event?
In this webinar, ACER will:
- Present the findings of its first hydrogen MMR.
- Discuss key challenges and solutions with experts from the European Commission and the industry.
- Answer stakeholders’ questions.
The (2024) Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Market Package of EU legislation extends ACER’s competences to include hydrogen. Among its regulatory tasks, ACER is mandated to monitor trends in Europe’s evolving hydrogen markets, network access, infrastructure developments, and cross-border trade barriers.