Supporting investments for a more digitalised electricity grid Supporting investments for a more digitalised electricity grid 27.09.2022
Online or Onsite (Brussels)
ACER - CEER webinar on the main findings of the Gas Wholesale Market Monitoring Report ACER - CEER webinar on the main findings of the Gas Wholesale Market Monitoring Report 08.07.2022
ACER-CEER Public Workshop on the possible developments of the EU electricity forward market ACER-CEER Public Workshop on the possible developments of the EU electricity forward market 06.07.2022
ACER Public workshop on the draft Framework Guidelines on demand response ACER Public workshop on the draft Framework Guidelines on demand response 28.06.2022
ACER - ENTSOG workshop on the FUNC issue: how to ensure greater flexibility to book firm capacity at interconnection points ACER - ENTSOG workshop on the FUNC issue: how to ensure greater flexibility to book firm capacity at interconnection points 27.06.2022
Microsoft Teams
Public Workshop on the implementation frameworks for the European balancing platforms Public Workshop on the implementation frameworks for the European balancing platforms 31.05.2022
ACER-CEER Public Workshop on the potential amendments to the European Grid Connection Network Codes ACER-CEER Public Workshop on the potential amendments to the European Grid Connection Network Codes 25.05.2022
2nd ACER - ENTSO-E Public Workshop on the Long Term Flow-Based Allocation 2nd ACER - ENTSO-E Public Workshop on the Long Term Flow-Based Allocation 24.05.2022
ACER-CEER Webinar on Gas Storage Regulation and Security of Supply ACER-CEER Webinar on Gas Storage Regulation and Security of Supply 17.05.2022