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Regulators propose changes for the TEN-E Regulation

The European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) have published today a joint paper including recommendations ahead of the upcoming revision of the Guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure Regulation (TEN-E Regulation).
The proposals focus on infrastructure development governance, scope and process. The European Commission intends to review and to revise the Regulation before the end of 2020 as one of the initiatives of the European Green Deal and it is currently consulting with stakeholders and regulators. This paper serves as a response to the public consultation as well.
Based on the extensive experience on the benefits and shortfalls of the current TEN-E Regulation, national regulatory authorities (NRAs) and ACER propose legislative changes to improve the planning and implementation of electricity and gas infrastructure, aiming to make it streamlined, focused on sustainability and neutral both in terms of technology and potential conflict of interest.
In the paper, ACER and CEER propose specific recommendations in the following three areas:
governance of infrastructure development
scope of principles for Projects of Common Interest
TEN-E processes.