AB Decisions of 2016 Share on: - Any - AB Decisions of year 2016 AB Decisions of year 2016 DECISION AB-22-2016_on the replacement of members of the Board of Appeal of ACER DECISION AB-21-2016_on the adoption of the budget for fin year 2016 and on the 10 percent flexibility of the estab plan DECISION AB-20-2016_on the adoption of the budget for the financial year 2017 and of the establishment plan of ACER DECISION AB-19-2016_granting permission to the Director of ACER to engage in outside activities for the year 2017 DECISION AB-18-2016_on_the_appointment_of_the_members_and_alternates_of_the_BoA DECISION AB-17-2016 adopting Work Programme for the year 2017 DECISION AB-16-2016 on the non-application of the EC Dec on the max durat on recourse to non-perm staff in the EC services DECISION AB-15-2016 setting up a Staff Committee DECISION AB-14-2016 on the adoption of a new BoR alternate member - Mr Mark Copley DECISION AB-12-2016 on the adoption by analogy of Implementing Rules to te Staff Regulations DECISION AB-11-2016 on the appointment of two members as reporting officers of the annual performance of the Director DECISION AB-10-2016 on the appointment of the new BoR alternate member - Mr Martin Sik DECISION AB-09 on the appointment of the new BoR member- Wolfgang Urbantschitsch DECISION AB-08-2016 on working time DECISION AB-07-2016 laying down general implementing provisions regarding Art.54 of the CEOS EU DECISION AB-06-2016 on general implementing provisions regarding Art.87(3) of the CEOS EU DECISION AB-05-2016 on the appointment of the new member of BoR - Mr Alexandre Santos and Mr Artur Trindade DECISION AB-04-2016 on the appointment of the new member of BoR - Mr Rolands Irklis DECISION AB-03-2016 amending Decision AB No 21-2015 of the Administrative Board of ACER of 17 December 2015 DECISION AB-02-2016 on the estimate of revenue, expenditure and establishment plan of ACER for the financial year 2017 DECISION AB-01-2016 on the appointment of the new member and the alternate member of the BoR
AB Decisions of year 2016 DECISION AB-22-2016_on the replacement of members of the Board of Appeal of ACER DECISION AB-21-2016_on the adoption of the budget for fin year 2016 and on the 10 percent flexibility of the estab plan DECISION AB-20-2016_on the adoption of the budget for the financial year 2017 and of the establishment plan of ACER DECISION AB-19-2016_granting permission to the Director of ACER to engage in outside activities for the year 2017 DECISION AB-18-2016_on_the_appointment_of_the_members_and_alternates_of_the_BoA DECISION AB-17-2016 adopting Work Programme for the year 2017 DECISION AB-16-2016 on the non-application of the EC Dec on the max durat on recourse to non-perm staff in the EC services DECISION AB-15-2016 setting up a Staff Committee DECISION AB-14-2016 on the adoption of a new BoR alternate member - Mr Mark Copley DECISION AB-12-2016 on the adoption by analogy of Implementing Rules to te Staff Regulations DECISION AB-11-2016 on the appointment of two members as reporting officers of the annual performance of the Director DECISION AB-10-2016 on the appointment of the new BoR alternate member - Mr Martin Sik DECISION AB-09 on the appointment of the new BoR member- Wolfgang Urbantschitsch DECISION AB-08-2016 on working time DECISION AB-07-2016 laying down general implementing provisions regarding Art.54 of the CEOS EU DECISION AB-06-2016 on general implementing provisions regarding Art.87(3) of the CEOS EU DECISION AB-05-2016 on the appointment of the new member of BoR - Mr Alexandre Santos and Mr Artur Trindade DECISION AB-04-2016 on the appointment of the new member of BoR - Mr Rolands Irklis DECISION AB-03-2016 amending Decision AB No 21-2015 of the Administrative Board of ACER of 17 December 2015 DECISION AB-02-2016 on the estimate of revenue, expenditure and establishment plan of ACER for the financial year 2017 DECISION AB-01-2016 on the appointment of the new member and the alternate member of the BoR