The report assesses whether the proposed reference price methodology (RPM) complies with the requirements of the Network Code on Harmonised Transmission Tariff structures.
The multi-annual work 'Single programming document 2025-2027' sets out ACER’s strategic goals and priorities in upcoming years, and ACER’s 2025 annual work programme.
ACER was tasked by the electricity Market Design Regulation with assessing whether additional voluntary Power Purchase Agreement contract templates are needed to foster the transparency, efficiency and integration of the European internal energy market.
Every year ACER produces a Consolidated Annual Activity Report (CAAR) describing the activities performed and the objectives achieved during the year.
Energy regulators play an important role in ensuring efficient infrastructure. ACER and CEER have jointly developed a set of guiding principles to evaluate the performance and efficiency of European electricity smart grids.
This paper reviews the national treatment of anticipatory investments and proposes ways to facilitate the necessary grid enforcement to meet the EU’s climate and energy targets.