Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management
The CACM Regulation
The Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management (CACM) Regulation sets out rules for the implementation and operation of the EU-wide day-ahead and intraday markets. Its provisions cover:
The CACM Regulation also defines obligations for Transmission System Operators (TSOs), National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs), and ACER concerning the development of Terms and Conditions or Methodologies (TCMs), as well as describing their adoption process.
TCMs establish the technical guidelines and rules to further define the provisions outlined in the electricity market regulations. Their aim is to create a common and harmonised regulatory framework within the EU and to ensure transparency and fair practices.
This page provides an overview of the TCMs developed under the CACM Regulation and presents an indication of their implementation status.

Further updates on the implementation status
The information on the implementation status of the TCMs has been compiled by ACER on the inputs provided by NRAs. It will undergo updates as soon as the relevant monitoring is conducted. In some cases, additional information or clarifications from regulatory authorities might be needed.
CACM Regulation Terms and Conditions or Methodologies
Status of implementation
- Fully implemented
- Largely implemented
- Partially implemented
- Not implemented
EU-wide Methodologies
EU-wide methodologies are developed jointly by all TSOs or all Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) at a pan-European level. They provide guidelines and standards that govern energy operations across all Member States.
The MCO Plan is implemented once all bidding zone borders in the internal energy market are participating in the single day-ahead coupling and single intraday coupling.
The determination of capacity calculation regions is implemented. A future assessment is foreseen to assess the efficiency of the current CCR determination based on information from newly implemented regional methodologies.
The methodology is implemented.
The implementation deadline foresees the common grid model to become operational and available for the day-ahead and intraday time frames by June 2018. However, implementation is still ongoing.
The methodology is implemented.
The methodology has been largely implemented. Implementation of certain functionalities is still pending.
The terms and conditions are implemented.
The terms and conditions are implemented.
The scheduled exchange methodologies are implemented.
The terms and conditions are implemented.
The terms and conditions are implemented.
The implementation of the methodology is dependent on the implementation of intraday auctions. The algorithm methodology sets out the implementation of the intraday auctions to the beginning of 2023. However, the project of intraday auctions has been delayed and is now expected to go-live in June 2024.
The scheduled exchange methodologies are implemented.
The terms and conditions are implemented in all capacity calculation regions.
Implementation is dependent on CCM implementation within CCR, and MCO function developed at the BZB. The methodology is implemented.
The implementation of different provisions is linked to the implementation of the capacity calculation methodology within their respective capacity calculation region, the implementation of IDAs and the application of cross-zonal capacity allocation for the exchange of balancing capacity or sharing of reservs, so different regions and provisions have different implementation timelines. Additionally, TSOs are required to further develop and improve some elements of the methodology.
Regional Methodologies
Regional Methodologies are developed by relevant TSOs or NEMOs at a regional level. These regions may span multiple countries or specific geographical areas within the EU and are tailored to address the needs and dynamics of the defined areas.
Capacity Calculation Methodology
Different regions have different implementation timelines. Some regions have already implemented the methodology, whereas some other are expected to do so.
Different regions have different implementation timelines. Some regions have already implemented the methodology, whereas some other are expected to do so.
Different regions have different implementation timelines. Some regions have already implemented the methodology, whereas some other are expected to do so.
Different regions have different implementation timelines. Some regions have already implemented the methodology, whereas some other are expected to do so.
Different regions have different implementation timelines. Some regions have already implemented the methodology, whereas some other are expected to do so.
Different regions have different implementation timelines. Some regions have already implemented the methodology, whereas some other are expected to do so.
Different regions have different implementation timelines. Some regions have already implemented the methodology, whereas some other are expected to do so.
Different regions have different implementation timelines. Some regions have already implemented the methodology, whereas some other are expected to do so.
Different regions have different implementation timelines. Some regions have already implemented the methodology, whereas some other are expected to do so.
Different regions have different implementation timelines. Some regions have already implemented the methodology, whereas some other are expected to do so.
Methodology for coordinated redispatching and countertrading
The methodology is currently being implemented in most of the regions.
The methodology is currently being implemented in most of the regions.
The methodology is currently being implemented in most of the regions.
The methodology is currently being implemented in most of the regions.
The methodology is currently being implemented in most of the regions.
The methodology is currently being implemented in most of the regions.
The methodology is currently being implemented in most of the regions.
Fallback procedures
The fallback procedures are implemented in all regions.
The fallback procedures are implemented in all regions.
The fallback procedures are implemented in all regions.
The fallback procedures are implemented in all regions.
The fallback procedures are implemented in all regions.
The fallback procedures are implemented in all regions.
The fallback procedures are implemented in all regions.
The fallback procedures are implemented in all regions.
Complementary Regional Intraday Auctions
The complementary regional intraday auctions are partially implemented. Implementation is on a border per border basis.
The complementary regional intraday auctions are partially implemented. Implementation is on a border per border basis.
The complementary regional intraday auctions are partially implemented (see above).
Methodology for redispatching and countertrading cost sharing
The methodology is currently being implemented in most of the regions along with the redispatching and countertrading methodology.
The methodology is currently being implemented in most of the regions along with the redispatching and countertrading methodology.
The methodology is currently being implemented in most of the regions along with the redispatching and countertrading methodology.
The methodology is currently being implemented in most of the regions along with the redispatching and countertrading methodology.
The methodology is currently being implemented in most of the regions along with the redispatching and countertrading methodology.
The methodology is currently being implemented in most of the regions along with the redispatching and countertrading methodology.