
Cyber incident at the EU Agency for Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER)

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Cyber incident at the EU Agency for Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER)

Update: 4 December 2023

  • The Agency (ACER) takes this cybersecurity incident very seriously. The full investigation launched by the Agency, in close collaboration with the Computer Emergency Response Team for the EU institutions, bodies and agencies (CERT-EU), is still ongoing.
  • Safeguarding the personal and sensitive information entrusted to us is of paramount importance.
  • Based on the assessments to date, there is no evidence that ACER’s REMIT Information Systems have been impacted by this cybersecurity incident.
  • We are working diligently to ensure a comprehensive investigation and mitigate the potential consequences of this incident.
  • This is an ongoing investigation and further measures will be taken as appropriate.

Further information will be made available in due course. We have established a dedicated e-mail channel DataSecurity@acer.europa.eu to address any concerns.

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