Workshop on the Network Code on Operational Security

ACER, Trg republike 3, Ljubljana
09/04/2013 12:00 - 16:30 (Europe/Brussels)

'Open house' for Stakeholder refinement input on the draft Framework guidelines on rules regarding harmonised transmission tariff structures for gas

'Open house' for Stakeholder refinement input on the draft Framework guidelines on rules regarding harmonised transmission tariff structures for gas

Ljubljana, ACER offices, 2nd Floor Meeting room, Trg republike 3, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
04/02/2013 12:30 - 14:30

Workshop on the Network Code on Demand Connection

Workshop on the Network Code on Demand Connection

ACER Premises - Trg republike, 3 - SI-1000 - Ljubljana - slovenia
23/01/2013 12:00 - 16:30 (Europe/Brussels)

ACER Consultation workshop on Framework Guidelines on Harmonized Transmission tariff structures

ACER Consultation workshop on Framework Guidelines on Harmonized Transmission tariff structures

Ljubljana and Brussels, connected through videoconference
23/01/2013 09:00 - 16:00 (Europe/Brussels)

Launch of the first ACER/CEER Monitoring report on the internal Electricity and Gas markets

Launch of the first ACER/CEER Monitoring report on the internal Electricity and Gas markets

Albert Borschette Conference Centre. 36 rue Froissart, 1040 Brussels
29/11/2012 10:30 - 13:00 (Europe/Brussels)

ACER public workshop on the assessment of the annual cross-border infrastructure compensation sum