Requirements for Generators

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​​​​​​The network code on the requirements for generators (RfG Regulation​) establishes a set of harmonised rules for generators to connect to the grid, namely synchronous power-generating modules, power park modules and offshore power park modules. The RfG Regulation entered into force on 17 May 2016. ​

The RfG Regulation

​The RfG Regulation provides that:

  • The connection standards apply to new power-generating modules, such as a unit or ensemble of units generating electricity connected to the network or through power electronics; as well as to pump-storage power-generating modules if they fulfil all the relevant requirements. However, some provisions do not apply to facilities' power-generating modules for combined heat and power production embedded in the networks of industrial sites (unless otherwise stated in the national framework). ​

  • The connection of a power-generating module can be refused if it does not comply with the Regulation, and if it is not covered by a derogation.

  • The connection requirements does not apply to existing power-generating modules.

  • The requirements do not apply to the power-generating modules classified as an emerging technology.

  • The Regulation does not apply to power-generating modules connected to the transmission and distribution systems that are not operated synchronously with either Continental Europe, Great Britain, Nordic, Ireland and Northern Ireland or Baltic synchronous area. This system shares the same utility frequency and is electrically tied together during normal system conditions.

  • The Regulation does not apply to power-generating modules that do not have a permanent connection point and are used by the system operators to temporarily provide power when normal system capacity is partly or completely unavailable.

  • Storage devices are not subject to the Regulation.

The core elements
See Also

High-Voltage Direct Current Connections

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​​​​​The High Voltage Direct Current Connections Network Code (HVDC Regulation) establishes the requirements for the connection of HVDC systems and direct current-connected power park modules. The Regulation entered into force on 28 September 2016. ​

The HVDC Regulation

​This Regulation provides that:

  • The connection requirements apply to HVDC systems connecting synchronous or control areas, HVDC systems connecting power park modules to a transmission network or a distribution network, an embedded HVDC system within one control area and connected to the transmission network, and an embedded HVDC system within one control area and connected to the distribution network when a cross-border impact is demonstrated by the relevant TSO. The relevant system operator can refuse the connection of a new HVDC system or DC-connected power park module which does not comply with the requirements and is not covered by a derogation granted by the regulatory or other authority where applicable in a Member State.

  • The connection standards do not apply to HVDC systems whose connection point is below 110 kV unless they have a strong cross-border impact. The Regulation does not apply to HVDC systems or DC-connected power park modules connected to the transmission system and distribution systems of islands of Member States whose systems are not operated synchronously with either the Continental Europe, Great Britain, Nordic, Ireland and Northern Ireland or Baltic synchronous area.

  • Certain provisions of the Regulation do not apply to a system having at least one HVDC converter station owned by the relevant TSO or the HVDC system owned by an entity controlling the relevant TSO.

  • Existing HVDC systems and existing DC-connected power park modules are not subject to the Regulation.​

The core elements
See Also

Demand connection

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​​​​​​The Demand Connection Network Code (DCC Regulation) sets harmonised standards for connecting large renewable energy production plants and integrate demand response. The Regulation entered into force on 7 September 2016. ​

The DCC Regulation

​The DCC Regulation provides that:

  • The connection standards apply to new transmission-connected demand and distribution facilities, new distributions systems and to demand units providing demand response (including any pumping module within the station that provides pumping mode only).

  • The relevant system operator can refuse the connection when the requirements of the Regulation are not met, and when a derogation is not granted by a regulatory or other authority, where applicable in a Member State.

  • The connection requirements should not apply to demand facilities and distributions systems connected to transmission and distributions systems of islands of Member States which are not operated synchronously with either Continental Europe, Great Britain, Nordic, Ireland and Northern Ireland or Baltics synchronous area. The DCC Regulation shall not apply to an existing transmission connected demand facility or distribution facility or an existing distribution system with the exceptions defined.

The core elements
See Also



A brief historic introduction

​​​​The Framework Guidelines on Electricity Grid Connection, adopted by ACER on 20 July 2011, define the requirements to be developed in the respective network codes:

  • Minimum standards and requirements for connection,

  • Derogations,

  • Adaptation of existing arrangements to the network codes,

  • Compliance testing, monitoring and enforcement,

  • Exchange of information between parties and improved coordination.

The network codes that stem from these Framework Guidelines focus on meeting the renewable generation targets and providing a solution on the integration of demand-response.​

Three network codes were developed following the Framework Guidelines on Electricity Grid Connection:

  • The Network Code for Requirements for Grid Connection Applicable to all Generators (RfG Regulation, which entered into force on 17 May 2016),

  • The Network Code on Demand Connection (DCC Re​gulation, which entered into force on 7 September 2016),

  • The Network Code on HVDC Connections and DC Connected Power Park Modules (HVDC Regulation, which entered into force on 28 September 2016). ​

See Also
Find out more:

Stakeholders' Involvement

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ACER and ENTSO-E have established the Grid Connection European Stakeholders Committee (GC ESC) to involve stakeholders on the implementation of the Regulations and hold other regular meetings to identify problems and propose operational improvements.

The Chairperson, acting upon a recommendation of the ESC, can propose the creation of ad-hoc Expert Groups (EGs), focusing on specific issues and projects. These groups report to the ESC, which may provide input to their discussions and request specific actions, reports or explanations. There are three ongoing EGs:

The Grid Connection European Stakeholders Committee
See Also
Find out more:


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ACER and ENTSO-E monitor the implementation of the RfG RegulationDCC Regulation and HVDC Regulation.

The purpose of these tasks is generally twofold. First, the Agency and ENTSO-E monitor the effectiveness in the implementation in terms of requirements and provisions by TSOs. Second, once the specific requirements have been implemented, ENTSO-E and the Agency monitor the effect on the harmonisation of applicable rules to facilitate market integration, non-discrimination, effective competition and the market’s efficient functioning.​

Both aspects will be addressed in different monitoring reports issued by the Agency and ENTSO-E.​

ACER monitoring

The Agency monitors the network codes’ and guidelines’ implementation by ENTSO-E, as well as their effect on the harmonisation of applicable rules and reports to the Commission.





The first Implementation Monitoring Report of the Network Code on Requirements for Grid ConnectionGenerators​ was published by the Agency in October 2017. ​

This report covered: 

  • Non-binding guidance on implementation;

  • List of relevant information for implementation monitoring;

  • Criteria for granting derogations, and

  • Transitional arrangements for emerging technologies.​

The first Implementation Monitoring Report of the Network Code on Demand Connection and of the Network Code on requirements for grid connection of high voltage direct current systems and direct current-connected power park modules was published by the Agency in August 2018. The report covered the implementation status of the specific NC DCC provisions due by mid-2018.

This report included:

  • Non-binding guidance on implementation;

  • List of relevant information for implementation monitoring; and

  • Criteria for granting derogations.​​

​The Agency also monitored the effects of all the provisions applied after the end of the transitional period (from 17 May 2016), as well as on the harmonisation of applicable rules.


​The second ACER Implementation Monitoring Report of the Network Code on Requirements for Grid Connection of Generators was published by the Agency in November 2019.

The third edition of ACER Implementation Monitoring Report on the Network Code on Requirements for Grid Connection of Generators was published in December 2020.

This report included:

  • Application of the NC RfG to PGMs
  • Non-exhaustive requirements
  • Operational notification procedure and
  • Amendments of contracts and general terms and conditions

The second edition of ACER Implementation Monitoring Report on the Network Code on Demand and HVDC Connections was published in December 2020.

This report covered:

  • Application of the NC DC and NC HVDC to all relevant users

  • Requirements of general application

  • Interim operational notification procedure, and

  • Amendments of contracts and general terms and conditions

ACER published the follow-up Report on Monitoring the Implementation of the Grid Connection Network Codes in November 2021.

The document provides an updated analysis of the compliance issues identified in previous monitoring exercises by clustering them in seven topics concerning NC RfG and seven topics concerning NC DC and NC HVDC, including:

  • the approval of the requirements of general applications, and

  • the presence of discrepancies (at national level) compared to the values in the corresponding Network Codes.

ACER monitoring

​National regulatory authorities must maintain a register of all derogations they have granted or refused and provide the Agency with an updated register at least once every six months. The Agency then conducts a monitoring procedure concerning granted and revoked derogations.

To better perform the monitoring task, the Agency set up the RECORD tool for recording derogation and revocation decisions in Grid Connection Codes. RECORD allows regulatory and other relevant authorities to maintain a register of all national derogations they have granted or refused and to provide ACER with an updated and consolidated archive.

RECORD also serves as a single source of information to stakeholders wishing to access derogation criteria as defined by regulatory authorities or the Member States’ relevant authorities or their decisions on derogations and revocations.​



Access to RECORD is public.

Member States' regulatory or other relevant authorities aiming to provide information on the derogation criteria and derogation or revocation decisions have to register first at AEGIS portal. The manual for registered RECORD users is available in the section 'Documents' in the RECORD application menu.


Contact and support

acer imageIn case of any questions related to the derogation criteria and decisions collection process, please contact: electricity(at)​

​For any problems or questions related to the RECORD application or AEGIS system, please contact the support team: aegis.admin(at)

​ENTSO-E's monitoring of the implementation of the Regulations covers in particular:

  • The identification of any divergences in the national implementation, and

  • The assessment on whether the selection of values and ranges in the requirements applicable to power-generating modules continues to be valid.

TSOs have the duty to submit the information required to perform this task to ENTSO-E.


Consult ENTSO-E's website to access all the relevant information.

Derogations monitoring: the RECORD tool
External monitoring
See Also


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​As the Regulations do not foresee approvals by more than one regulatory authority, the Agency will not be asked to adopt decisions when regulatory authorities cannot agree on terms, conditions and methodologies.​

RfG Implementation​


The Agency monitors the procedure of granting derogations from one or more provisions of the RfG Regulation.

The relevant regulatory authority decides which power-generating modules should be classified as an emerging technology. Any regulatory authority of the relevant synchronous area may request a prior opinion from the Agency, which shall be issued within three months after receiving the request. The decision of the relevant regulatory authority shall then take into account the Agency's opinion.

All regulatory authorities of a synchronous area may also decide in a coordinated manner to withdraw a classification as an emerging technology. Also in this case, the regulatory authorities of the synchronous area concerned may request a prior opinion from the Agency, which shall be issued within three months. Where applicable, the coordinated decision of the regulatory authorities shall take into account ACER's opinion.

Find out more on how national regulatory authorities implemented the transitional arrangements for emerging technologies in the Implementation Monitoring Report of the Network Code on Requirements for Grid Connection of Generators

The accumulated sales of power-generating modules classified as emerging technology are also made available by the national regulatory authorities every two months.

RfG Implementation​​

​The Agency monitors the procedure of granting derogations from one or more provisions of the DCC Regulation. The Agency may issue a reasoned recommendation to a regulatory authority to revoke a derogation, in case justification is missing.​

The Agency monitors the procedure of granting derogations from one or more provisions of the HVD​C Regulation. The Agency may issue a reasoned recommendation to a regulatory authority to revoke a derogation, in case justification is missing.​​

DCC Implementation
HVDC Implementation
See Also

Connection Codes

Connection Codes

Ensuring system security and sound technical evolution


Network codes are binding rules that govern electricity networks' connection requirements in an effective and transparent manner. They were established in 2009 by the EU Regulation on conditions for access to the network for cross-border exchanges in electricity  and recast in 2019 by the Regulation on the internal market for electricityIn 2023, ACER proposed amendments to two of the grid connection codes to the European Commission.

The codes are crucial for ensuring the safety of system operation and the efficiency of the European Union's power grid. ​

Connection Codes

Grid Connection Codes

Grid connection refers to all the subjects establishing and maintaining a physical connection between the transmission and/or distribution grids and the grid users.  

Grid connection, or network connection, is one of the areas regulated by the specific network codes. These rules aim to develop a harmonised electricity grid connection regime, as well as efficient and secure operations. This is particularly important in view of the integration of an increasing share of sources of renewable energy in the system. European rules on grid connection also ensure a fair competition in the electricity market, and facilitate the electricity trade across the Union.

Three network codes on grid connection have been developed:

  • The network code on requirements for grid connection of generators (RfG Regulation) establishes common standards that generators must respect to connect to the grid.

  • The network code on demand connection (DCC Regulation) sets up harmonised requirements that demand facilities must respect to connect to the grid. 

  • The network code on requirements for grid connection of high voltage direct current systems (HVDC Regulation) covers the definition of harmonised standards for direct current (DC) connections.​​​

Connection Codes

Amendment to the Grid Connection Codes

The European Commission invited ACER to initiate the process to amend two existing EU grid connection network codes: the Network Code on Requirements for Grid Connection of Generators (RfG Regulation) and the Network Code on Demand Connection (DCC Regulation).

The goal was to update the network codes to further support the EU power grid embracing emerging developments such as e-mobility, storage and energy communities.

In December 2023, ACER submitted to the European Commission its Recommendation 03-2023 on reasoned proposals for amendments to the Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/631 of 24 April 2016 establishing a network code on requirements for grid connection of generators and Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/1388 of 17 August 2016 establishing a network code on demand connection.

ACER’s main recommendations are:

RfG Regulation:

  • Update definitions and expand scope of application to include new electricity storage and electric vehicles;
  • Introduce criteria for significant modernization of the power generating modules following the TSOs’ proposals and regulatory approval;
  • Define new requirements for various types of electric vehicles, along with associated supply equipment (such as charging parks ), and electricity storage modules.

DC Regulation:

  • Update definitions and expand scope of application to include new electric vehicles and associated supply equipment as well as power-to-gas units and heat pumps;
  • Introduce criteria for significant modernization of transmission-connected demand facilities, transmission-connected distribution facilities, distribution systems and demand units used to provide demand response services following TSOs’ proposals and regulatory approval;

Introduce amendments to requirements for transmission-connected demand facilities and distribution systems.

Previous steps in the amendment process

ACER published a draft Policy Paper in May 2022 and gathered initial feedback from stakeholders during a public workshop and a public consultation in June 2022. Following this, ACER ran two full-fledged public consultations in autumn 2022 and summer 2023, inviting interested parties to submit their concrete amendment proposals.

Policy Paper on the amendments to the grid connection network codes

In its Policy Paper published in September 2022, ACER provided a high-level outline of the main areas  to improve the Network Code on Requirements for Grid Connection of Generators and the Network Code on Demand Connection.

The ACER Policy Paper on Grid Connection Network Codes reflected ACER’s considerations on possible amendments to the grid connection network codes following input received from stakeholders during the summer 2022.

The Policy Paper addressed potential amendments to the European network codes concerning among others:

  • technical requirements for storage, mobile storage (e.g., electric vehicles) and electrical charging points;
  • requirements for mixed customer sites (MCSs), active customers and energy communities;
  • significant modernisation of system users’ facilities and equipment;
  • advanced capabilities for grids with significant distributed energy resources (DER) and converter-based technologies; and
  • criteria to determine generators significant for the system.

2022 Public consultation

ACER evaluated the provided responses submitted by stakeholders in the course of the full-fledged 2022 public consultation.

During the course of the revisions and assessment of stakeholders’ input, ACER organised three public workshops related to the amendment process of the network codes. The workshops focused on specific regulatory issues, namely:

Access the 2022 Public Consultation and stakeholders’ responses.

Access the  Public Workshop and the presentations.

Access the ACER’s workshops on electromobility, power-to-gas demand units and heat-pumpson rate of change of frequency and grid forming capabilities, and on electricity storage.

2023 Public consultation

ACER ran a public consultation from 17 July to 25 September 2023 to gather stakeholders’ views on concrete amendment proposals on two European electricity grid connection network codes. Stakeholders were able to submit their comments separately, to one or both network codes. 

Additionally, ACER organised a webinar on 19 July in order to: 

  • present ACER’s proposed amendments to the grid connection network codes; 
  • explain the purpose, process and timeline for the amendments, and the public consultation process; and 
  • address questions. 

Access the 2023 Public Consultation.

Access the Webinar on amendments of European electricity grid connection network codes.

ACER Recommendation 03-2023

In December 2023, ACER submitted to the European Commission its Recommendation 03-2023 on proposed amendments to the grid connection network codes (GC NCs). 

Access the Annexes to ACER’s Recommendation:

2024 Public consultation

ACER is running a public consultation from 17 June to 8 September 2024 to gather stakeholders’ views on ACER’s concrete amendment proposals to the network code on grid connection requirements for high voltage direct current systems and related power park modules (NC HVDC).

In the context of the public consultation, ACER is organising a webinar on 24 June 2024 in order to:

  • present ACER’s proposed amendments to the grid connection network code;
  • provide any necessary clarifications on the purpose, process and timeline for the amendments, and
  • inform stakeholders on how they can comment on these amendments through their participation in the public consultation.

Following the assessment of stakeholders’ input, ACER intends to submit its proposed amendments to the grid connection network code (NC HVDC) to the European Commission by the end of 2024.

See Also

Risk preparedness

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​​​​​The Risk Preparedness Regulation introduces important rules for the cooperation between Member States with the aim to prevent, prepare for, and manage electricity crises. It also establishes common provisions for risk assessment, risk preparedness plans, managing electricity crises, evaluation and monitoring.

Each Member State's competent authority must establish a risk-preparedness plan, based on the regional and national electricity crisis scenarios. This plan consists of national, regional and where applicable, bilateral measures planned or taken to prevent, prepare for and mitigate electricity crises.

The Regulation foresees the adoption of two methodologies during the course of 2020:

  • methodology for identifying regional electricity crisis scenarios

  • methodology for short-term and seasonal adequacy assessment.

Enhancing Member States' cooperation

In the interest of EU electricity security of supply, EU law requires ENTSO-E to identify the most relevant regional electricity crisis scenarios (following a methodology approved by ACER). The methodology is required to consider system adequacy, system security and fuel security. It also must include an analysis of all relevant national and regional circumstances, simulations of simultaneous electricity crisis scenarios, ranking of risks, as well as probability and principles on how to handle sensitive information in a transparent manner.

Following extensive consultation, including a (2019) ENTSO-E public consultation a (2020) ACER public consultation and the consultation with the Electricity Coordination Group, ACER published (6 March 2020) its Decision on the methodology for identifying regional electricity crisis scenarios. Access the methodology​.

On 8 March 2024, ACER issued its Decision on the amendment  to the methodology for identifying regional electricity crisis scenarios. This ACER Decision follows extensive public consultations by ENTSO-E (in Spring and Autumn 2023), by ACER with the Electricity Coordination Group (composed only of the Member States' representatives), NRAs and ENTSO-E. The improved methodology reflects amendments that ACER deems necessary to ENTSO-E’s proposal (submitted on 8 January 2024).

​ENTSO-E must submit to ACER a proposal for a methodology assessing seasonal an​​d short-term adequacy (monthly, week-ahead to at least day-ahead adequacy). The proposal must cover at least the probability of a transmission capacity outage, the probability of an unplanned power plants' outage, severe weather conditions, variable demand, variable generation from renewable sources, as well as the probability of occurrence of a single or simultaneous electricity crises.

Action 1: From July to October 2019, ENTSO-E has conducted a public consultation on its proposal for a methodology for short-term and seasonal adequacy assessment.  

Action 2: On 6 January 2020, ENTSO-E submitted the proposal to ACER. Find out more about the ENTSO-E proposal and the Explanatory document accompanying the document.

Action 3: On 6 January 2020, ACER opened a public consultation for all stakeholders on ENTSO-E proposal.

Action 4: ACER is expected to consult the proposal with the ECG, in its formation composed only of Member States' representatives.

Action 5: Within two months following the receipt of the proposal, ACER is expected to approve or amend it.

Action 6: On 6 March 2020, ACER issued the Decision on the methodology for short-term and seasonal adequacy assessments. Access the methodology​.

Methodology for identifying regional electricity crisis scenarios
Methodology for short-term and seasonal adequacy assessment
See Also

An enhanced role for ACER

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The revised ACER Regulation introduces additional tasks for ACER, further to the coordination of national energy regulatory authorities (NRAs). ​​The new set of rules provides ACER with new responsibilities connected with cross-border cooperation, which could, if uncoordinated, lead to difficulties in the internal energy market.

The Regulation defines ACER's objectives and tasks, which include:

ACER will have the regulatory oversight of Regional Coordination Centres (RCCs), which will play an important role for the coordination of transmission system operators, strengthening ACER's decision-making power with respect to cross-border issues.

ACER's role in monitoring and contributing to the implementation of the network codes and guidelines has also been strengthened. ACER will have a role in reviewing the draft network codes, including chec​​​​​​king for compliance with ACER's non-binding framework guidelines, as well as amending the draft before recommending it for adoption to the Commission.

The role of ACER in approving and amending EU-wide terms and conditions and methodologies has also been reinforced.

ACER is now responsible for taking a decision where the competent regulatory authorities do not agree on terms and conditions or methodologies for the implementation of new network codes and guidelines adopted after 4 July 2019.​​

Find out more about ACER’s monitoring of the Regional Coordination Centres.

New tasks and responsibilities
See Also