ACER and CEER publish their views on the revision of the gas storage and security of supply Regulation

Gas storage tanks
Intro News
In the current geopolitical context, Europe’s energy regulators welcome the European Commission’s initiative to bolster the Union’s security of gas supply.

ACER and CEER publish their views on the revision of the gas storage and security of supply Regulation

What is it about?

In the current geopolitical context, Europe’s energy regulators welcome the European Commission’s initiative to bolster the Union’s security of gas supply, and have identified some practical reflections to reach the objective of filling EU gas storage facilities more effectively, whilst protecting the consumer interest.

Under normal operating circumstances, gas suppliers would generally fill storage facilities to a very high level. The EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the Council for European Energy Regulators (CEER) therefore underline that the proposed measures must be considered exceptional, temporary and specifically targeted to the current circumstances, where high wholesale prices, negative seasonal spreads and risks on the availability of import gas volumes prevent market players from storing gas.

The present proposals from ACER and CEER aim at responding to the emergency with simple rules and allocation keys and, looking at the longer term, elaborating on methods to better address rights and duties of Member States and gas suppliers. Regulators’ key reflections can be summarised as follows:


  • Measures must be exceptional, temporary and specifically targeted to the current circumstances

  • Intervention should be proportionate to the goals and should avoid distorting the market where it is able to fulfil adequate levels of gas storage

  • The EU institutions should find an appropriate balance between top-down and bottom-up approaches

General principles:

  • Filling targets should apply a demand-based rather than capacity-based rationale, combining European and national levels

  • Apply simple but realistic measures during the course of this year (2022), taking into account national specific characteristics and constraints

  • For the future (2023 and beyond): better estimate storage needs on the basis of several parameters (LNG tanks, diversity of supply, demand seasonality, interconnection capacities, dependence on Russian supplies)

  • Risk mitigation measures should minimise the use of public funding 

  • Implement an EU wide monitoring of storage filling levels and of prices paid for that fill.

Would you like to find out more?

Read the ACER-CEER paper.

Join the ACER-CEER Webinar on Gas Storage Regulation and Security of Supply (17 May, 10-11.30 CET). Registration is open!

ACER publishes its Final Assessment of the EU Wholesale Electricity Market Design

ACER's Final Assessment of the European Wholesale Electricity Market Design
Intro News
ACER has published today its Final Assessment of the EU Wholesale Electricity Market Design, which fulfils the mandate given by the European Commission in October 2021. ACER will present its Final Assessment at a public webinar on the 5th May.

ACER publishes its Final Assessment of the EU Wholesale Electricity Market Design

What is it about?

The EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) has published today its Final Assessment of the EU Wholesale Electricity Market Design.

What’s in the report?

This ACER Final Report presents an in-depth analysis of:

  • energy price levels and drivers

  • current wholesale electricity market design

  • ways to future-proof the wholesale electricity market

  • extreme price shocks and considerations on temporary, targeted measures

  • the impact on retail markets and how to protect consumers.

ACER concludes with a set of 13 measures for policy makers’ consideration.

Key Findings

Overall, ACER finds that whilst the current electricity market design is worth keeping, some improvements will prove key for it to deliver on important challenges, including:

  • Making short-term electricity markets work better everywhere

  • Driving the energy transition through efficient long-term markets

  • Increasing the flexibility of the electricity system

  • Protecting consumers against excessive volatility whilst addressing inevitable trade-offs

  • Tackling non-market barriers and political stumbling blocks

  • Preparing for future high energy prices in ‘peace time’; being very prudent towards wholesale market intervention in ‘war time’.

ACER’s 13 measures for consideration by policy makers

ACER’s analysis has put forward a suite of 13 measures for policy makers to future proof the market design, for example to:  

  • shield those consumers that need protection the most from price volatility

  • stimulate ‘market making’ to improve liquidity in the long-term markets

  • speed up electricity market integration, implementing what is already agreed

  • better integrate forward markets

  • consider prudently the need for market interventions in situations of extreme duress and, if pursued, consider tackling the ‘root causes’.

Access the full Assessment.

Next steps

ACER published its Preliminary Assessment in November 2021. This Final Assessment fulfils the mandate given by the European Commission in October 2021.

ACER will present its Final Assessment at a public webinar on the 5th May.  

ACER publishes its Final Assessment of the EU Wholesale Electricity Market Design

13 measures to future-proof the EU wholesale electricity market design

ACER-CEER Webinar on Gas Storage Regulation and Security of Supply

ACER-CEER Webinar on Gas Storage Regulation and Security of Supply

17/05/2022 10:00 - 11:30 (Europe/Brussels)
ACER-CEER Webinar on gas storage regulation and security of supply

REMIT Reporting Guidance

REMIT Reporting Guidance

Transaction Reporting User Manual (TRUM)

Following the adoption of the revised REMIT Regulation, some documents are undergoing an update and may not reflect the most recent changes in the legal framework. Please use the documents at your own discretion.
For any queries related to REMIT policy, REMIT transaction reporting or general issues, please use the REMIT query form.

• TRUM (main text) (13/03/2024)

• ANNEX I – Data fields (08/01/2015)

• ANNEX II – Examples of Transaction Reporting (13/03/2024)

XML trade examples (30/04/2021)

How to submit trading examples for Annex II of the TRUM (06/05/2015)

Templates for submitting trading examples (30/04/2021)

• ANNEX III – Reporting of REMIT Derivatives Contracts under REMIT and EMIR (16/11/2022)

• ANNEX IV – Guidance on UTI (13/03/2024)

• ANNEX V – Abbreviations (16/11/2022)

• ANNEX VI – Additional information on how to correctly report the Delivery point or zone (05/04/2024)

- List of Accepted EICs (05/04/2024)

• ANNEX VII – Guidance on reporting lifecycle events (16/11/2022)

• ANNEX VIII – Guidance on reporting LNG supply contracts under REMIT (13/03/2024)

REMIT Reporting Guidance

FAQs on transaction reporting

Following the adoption of the revised REMIT Regulation, some documents are undergoing an update and may not reflect the most recent changes in the legal framework. Please use the documents at your own discretion.
For any queries related to REMIT policy, REMIT transaction reporting or general issues, please use the REMIT query form.

REMIT Reporting Guidance

FAQs on REMIT Fundamental Data and Inside Information

Following the adoption of the revised REMIT Regulation, some documents are undergoing an update and may not reflect the most recent changes in the legal framework. Please use the documents at your own discretion.
For any queries related to REMIT policy, REMIT transaction reporting or general issues, please use the REMIT query form.

REMIT Reporting Guidance

Mapping between REMIT Implementing Regulation Tables and electronic schemas

REMIT Reporting Guidance

ARIS Data Validation Rules

REMIT Reporting Guidance

RRM Registration

REMIT Reporting Guidance

List of standard contracts

REMIT Reporting Guidance

Open Letters on Data Quality

REMIT Reports and Recommendations

REMIT Reports and Recommendations

Recommendations to the European Commission

REMIT Reports and Recommendations

REMIT Annual Reports (discontinued)

• REMIT Annual Report 2016 (07/10/2016)

• REMIT Annual Report 2015 (08/09/2015)

• REMIT Annual Report 2014 (10/06/2014)

• REMIT Annual Report 2013 (07/11/2013)

Guidance on REMIT application

Guidance on REMIT application

ACER Guidance on REMIT

Following the adoption of the revised REMIT Regulation, some documents are undergoing an update and may not reflect the most recent changes in the legal framework. Please use the documents at your own discretion.
For any queries related to REMIT policy, REMIT transaction reporting or general issues, please use the REMIT query form.

• 6th Edition (22/07/2021)

- Guidance Note 1/2019 – Layering and Spoofing (22/03/2019)

- Guidance Note 1/2018 – Transmission Capacity Hoarding (22/03/2018)

- Guidance Note 1/2017 – Wash Trades (19/06/2017)

• 5th Edition (11/05/2021)

• 5th Edition (08/04/2020)

• 4th Edition (15/10/2019)

• 4th Edition (17/06/2016)

• 3rd Edition (03/06/2015)

• 3rd Edition (29/10/2013)

• 2nd Edition (22/04/2013)

• 2nd Edition (28/09/2012)

• Comparison (28/09/2012)

• 1st Edition (20/12/2011)

Guidance on REMIT application


Following the adoption of the revised REMIT Regulation, some documents are undergoing an update and may not reflect the most recent changes in the legal framework. Please use the documents at your own discretion.
For any queries related to REMIT policy, REMIT transaction reporting or general issues, please use the REMIT query form.

• Q&As on REMIT (30/06/2023)

REMIT Documents

REMIT Documents

REMIT Legislation

Legislative documents by the European Commission governing the Agency’s REMIT activities

• REMIT Regulation

REGULATION (EU) No 1227/2011 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 October 2011 on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency

• Regulation amending REMIT

REGULATION (EU) 2024/1106 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 11 April 2024 amending Regulations (EU) No 1227/2011 and (EU) 2019/942 as regards improving the Union’s protection against market manipulation on the wholesale energy market

• REMIT Implementing Regulation

COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) No 1348/2014 of 17 December 2014 on data reporting implementing Article 8(2) and Article 8(6) of Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency

• REMIT Fee decision

COMMISSION DECISION (EU) 2020/2152 of 17 December 2020 on fees due to the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators for collecting, handling, processing and analysing of information reported under Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council

REMIT Documents

Guidance on REMIT application

ACER documents on the application of REMIT, including the Agency’s initiatives related to REMIT policy

Following the adoption of the revised REMIT Regulation, some documents are undergoing an update and may not reflect the most recent changes in the legal framework. Please use the documents at your own discretion.
For any queries related to REMIT policy, REMIT transaction reporting or general issues, please use the REMIT query form.

• ACER Guidance on REMIT

ACER Guidance on the application of REMIT

• Q&As on REMIT

The Agency’s answers to frequently asked questions about REMIT policy

• Open letters on REMIT policy

The Agency’s guidance to national energy regulators and to market participants on how to fulfil their REMIT obligations to help ensure consistent application of the laws

• Open calls for Expert Groups

Open calls for the setting up of expert groups to support REMIT implementation

REMIT Documents

REMIT Reports and Recommendations

ACER reports on REMIT-related activities and ACER Recommendations to the European Commission

• Recommendations to the European Commission

The Agency’s recommendations to the European Commission for the effective monitoring of wholesale energy markets

• REMIT Quarterly

Quarterly updates on REMIT-related activities, guidance on the application of the REMIT framework, assessments of the operation and transparency of different categories of organised market places and ways of trading

• REMIT Annual Reports (discontinued)

The REMIT Annual Reports provided the Agency’s annual assessments of the operation and transparency of different categories of Organised Market Places (OMPs) and ways of trading. As of 2017, the Agency reports its assessments through the REMIT Quarterly.

REMIT Documents

REMIT Reporting Guidance

ACER lists of reference data and ACER guidance on the technical and operational aspects of reporting REMIT data to the Agency

Following the adoption of the revised REMIT Regulation, some documents are undergoing an update and may not reflect the most recent changes in the legal framework. Please use the documents at your own discretion.
For any queries related to REMIT policy, REMIT transaction reporting or general issues, please use the REMIT query form.

• Transaction Reporting User Manual (TRUM)

Guidance for market participants on how to report trading data under REMIT and comply with the data reporting obligation

• FAQs on transaction reporting

The Agency’s answers to frequently asked business and technical questions received in relation to the TRUM and transaction reporting

• Manual of Procedures (MoP) on Data Reporting

Guidance for reporting entities on the reporting of transactions, fundamental data and inside information

• FAQs on REMIT Fundamental Data and Inside Information

The Agency’s answers to frequently asked questions received in relation to the Manual of Procedures (MoP) on data reporting under REMIT and the collection of inside information and fundamental data

• Mapping between REMIT Implementing Regulation Tables and electronic schemas

Tables reporting the correspondence between Data Fields defined in the REMIT Implementing Regulation and those in the relevant electronic formats

• ARIS Data Validation Rules

Technical documents describing validation rules to ensure REMIT data quality

• RRM registration

Guidance and tools for the registration of Registered Reporting Mechanisms (RRMs)

• List of Standard Contracts

Reference list of contracts offered for trading by Organised Market Places and guidance on how to update it

• Open letters on data quality

Periodic updates on the Agency’s monitoring of data quality and identified areas for improvement

REMIT Documents

Guidance on inside information collection

ACER guidance on the reporting of fundamental data and inside information

Following the adoption of the revised REMIT Regulation, some documents are undergoing an update and may not reflect the most recent changes in the legal framework. Please use the documents at your own discretion.
For any queries related to REMIT policy, REMIT transaction reporting or general issues, please use the REMIT query form.

• REMIT Guidance on the implementation of web feeds for Inside Information Platforms (13/12/2018)

Technical guidance on the implementation of web feeds, namely RSS or Atom feeds containing Urgent Market Messages (UMMs)

• FAQs on REMIT Fundamental Data and Inside Information (30/04/2021)

The Agency’s answers to frequently asked questions received in relation to the Manual of Procedures (MoP) on data reporting under REMIT and the collection of inside information and fundamental data

REMIT Documents


ACER guidance on the technical and operational aspects of the REMIT fee collection

• Background note on REMIT fees (01/10/2020)

Background note on the Commission Decision setting the fees due to the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators for collecting, handling, processing and analysing of information reported under Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 of 25 October 2011 on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency

• Q&As on REMIT fees (13/12/2023)

The Agency’s answers to questions about the technical and operational aspects of the REMIT fee collection

• Annex to Q&As on REMIT fees (27/01/2022)

A summary of exceptions from the application of REMIT fees

REMIT Documents

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