ACER 5th public debriefing

Cours Saint-Michel 30a (= rue Père de Deken 36) - 1040 Brussels
18/11/2014 16:00 - 16:30

Presentation of ACER Gas Target Model

Presentation of ACER Gas Target Model

Charlemagne Building, room Lord Jenkins, 170 Rue de la Loi, ground floor, 1049 Brussels, Belgium
16/01/2015 09:30 - 13:30

9th Public Workshop on REMIT implementation

9th Public Workshop on REMIT implementation

ACER Premises
10/12/2014 12:00 - 16:30

Launch of the ACER/CEER Annual Report on the results of monitoring the internal electricity and natural gas markets

Launch of the ACER/CEER Annual Report on the results of monitoring the internal electricity and natural gas markets

Charlemagne Building, Mansholt Room (107 rue de la Loi, 1049 Brussels)
28/11/2013 10:00 - 13:15

Launch of the ACER/CEER Monitoring report on the internal electricity and gas markets

Launch of the ACER/CEER Monitoring report on the internal electricity and gas markets

Albert Borschette Conference Centre. 36 rue Froissart, 1040 Brussels
22/10/2014 13:30 - 17:00

8th SWE SG Meeting