ACER workshop on Capacity Allocation Mechanisms Network Code: achievements and the way forward

What is it about?
ACER is hosting a workshop as part of its review of the capacity allocation mechanisms network code (CAM NC).
Why the need for a review?
With gas markets being impacted by a global pandemic (2020) and a European energy crisis (2022), the resilience of the current market rules (also known as “network codes”) has been tested. Although they have ensured a proper market functioning (see ACER’s Market Monitoring Reports and Congestions Reports), lessons have yet to be learnt to further enhance market resilience.
The European gas market must also be ready to align with the latest policy and technological developments, guaranteeing the Green Deal’s decarbonisation targets can be met.
Against this background, the latest European Gas Regulatory Forum has emphasised the importance of having gas market rules which can adequately reflect this evolution, and therefore prompted for the revision of the CAM NC.
Event objective
The aim of the workshop is to present the achievements and possible improvements on the CAM NC, based on ACER’s monitoring activities, opinions, decisions, joint ACER-ENTSOG FUNC issue solutions and other publications.
Stakeholders will have the opportunity to bring forth their views and inform ACER’s review of the CAM NC, in particular identifying further areas of improvement.
To prepare for the workshop, stakeholders are invited to read the CAM NC Scoping document, which presents ACER’s review of the market rules regulating gas transmission capacity allocation in Europe, and the corresponding cover note.
As a follow up to this workshop and the public consultation on the same topic, ACER intends to publish a policy paper, tentatively in the first quarter of 2024. This policy paper will be a first input when the formal review of the CAM NC will be launched in the course of 2024.
Watch the workshop recording.