Question 3.2.4
What should we report as available capacity in case of planned/unplanned reduction of the daily technical capacity of an LNG facility?
Example: On a given gas day there is a planned/unplanned reduction of the daily technical capacity (example: from 21,9MSm3/d to 18 MSm3/d). The reduction has no impact on the daily nomination (which is, for example, 5 MSm3/d).
Do we need to keep unchanged the value of the available capacity and to send the information only through the planned/unplanned report or do we need to change also the available capacity? If the latter, how should we change the data? Should we report 0 as available capacity, or should we leave it as it is because there is no impact on the daily nomination (to avoid providing multiple information which is not useful to the market)?
Answer: Technical capacity will be reported in GWh/day and the value of 21,9MSm3/d shall be converted accordingly. Contracted capacity remains the same. Unavailable capacity of 3.9 MSm3/d (needs to be converted to GWh/day) will be reported under the field ‘unavailableCapacity’. Available Capacity = “technical capacity” (21,9) – “contracted capacity” (5) = 16.9 MSm3/d shall be converted into GWh/day.