PC_2024_G_03 - Public consultation on amending the network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems

Contact information
After having carried out a preliminary analysis to investigate what are the main achievements and potential improvements to the Capacity Allocation Mechanisms Network Code (CAM NC), ACER is now initiating the process to review the network code.
The European Commission invited ACER to initiate the revision according to the Gas Regulation. This process takes place during 2024 and will conclude with ACER recommending amendments to the European Commission, who is responsible to revise the text of the network code.
Why we are consulting
In the context of its first preliminary analysis, ACER had several interactions with stakeholders to start assessing the achievements of the implementation of the CAM NC to date, as well as to scope areas of improvement (see the scoping consultation and the workshop).
Building on the scoping and problem identification work undertaken and considering the regulatory elements introduced by the recently agreed hydrogen and decarbonised gas market package, ACER has developed a policy paper on 'The revision of the network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems' that focuses on options to improve the network code.
ACER invites stakeholders to submit their practical proposals to improve the CAM NC as well as to provide their feedback on the paper.
To further investigate these proposals, ACER will also organise a technical workshop (by invitation only) on 9 July 2024 (09:00 – 11:00 CET). Only respondents to the public consultation that have specifically expressed their interest to join will be invited to the workshop.
Consultation documents
Evaluation of Responses and Responses
ACER received responses from the following organisations:
Bayernets GmbH
BBL Company VOF
BDEW - German Association of Energy and Water Industries
Edison SPA
Energy Traders Europe
Eni S.p.A.
European Energy Exchange
Fluxys Belgium
FNB Gas e.V.
Gas Connect Austria GmbH
Gas Market Operator for Northern Ireland (GMO NI)
Gas Networks Ireland
GASCADE Gastransport GmbH
Gasunie Deutschland Transport Services GmbH
Gasunie Transport Services B.V.
GSA Platform
Hera Trading S.r.l.
IFIEC: International Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers
Interconnector Ltd
LLC Gas TSO of Ukraine
National Gas Transmission
NET4GAS, s.r.o.
OMV Gas Marketing & Trading GmbH
ONTRAS Gastransport GmbH
Open Grid Europe GmbH
Operator Gazociągów Przesyłowych GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.
Orlen S.A.
PRISMA European Capacity Platform GmbH
REN Gasodutos, SA
RWE Supply & Trading
SEFE Marketing & Trading
Terranets bw GmbH
Thyssengas GmbH
Trans Adriatic Pipeline
Uniper Global Commodities SE
VNG Handel & Vertrieb GmbH
Next steps
This consultation will run from 8 May 2024 until 14 June 2024.
Registration for the workshop on 9 July 2024 can be done only by participating in the survey: please make sure to flag your interest.
Based on the inputs received, ACER will recommend amendments to the CAM NC by the end of 2024.