ACER consults on the amendment of the EU electricity balancing pricing methodology

Wind turbines
Intro News
ACER is gathering views and information regarding the proposal for the amendment of the Methodology for pricing balancing energy and cross-border capacity used for the exchange of balancing energy or operating the imbalance netting process

ACER consults on the amendment of the EU electricity balancing pricing methodology

What is it about?

ACER is gathering views and information regarding the proposal for the amendment of the methodology for pricing balancing energy and cross-border capacity used for the exchange of balancing energy or operating the imbalance netting process, which was submitted to ACER on 26 August 2021.

A public webinar will be held on 27  October 2021 on the same matter to present and discuss with stakeholders the proposal. 

The consultation will run until 10 November 2021, 23:59 hrs (CET).​

Access the Consultation.


On 26 August 2021, all Transmission System Operators’ (TSOs) submitted to the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) their proposal for the amendment of the methodology for pricing balancing energy and cross-zonal capacity used for the exchange of balancing energy or operating the imbalance netting process in accordance with the EU Regulation establishing a guideline on electricity balancing .

Next steps

Having provided further amendments to the TSOs proposal, ACER is collecting comments from stakeholders in order to take an informed decision.

Expert group on demand side flexibility

Expert group on demand side flexibility

Scope of the Group

Expert Group talking, different people sitting around the table

The group focuses on providing advice on demand side policy matters, including rules on aggregation, energy storage, and demand curtailment that should be developed in a European framework, as well as on the requirements of existing regulations related to these topics.

The group is composed by the following members (in alphabetical order):

  • Daniel Davi-Arderius

  • José Pablo Chaves Ávila

  • Hans de Heer

  • Lion Hirth

  • Robert Kielak

  • Edin Lakic

  • Ewa Mataczynska

  • Yannick Phulpin

  • Tim Schittekatte

  • Laurent Schmitt

  • Paul Troughton

  • Anna Tsiokanos

ACER Director presents on energy price developments in Europe at today's Eurogroup meeting

Map of Europe with lights on
Intro News
Mr Cristian Zinglersen, Director of the EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), was invited as a guest speaker today to update the Eurogroup on recent energy price developments.

ACER Director presents on energy price developments in Europe at today's Eurogroup meeting

What is the Eurogroup?

Top of the agenda of today’s Eurogroup meeting (4th October 2021) is the macro-economic situation in the euro area, including inflation and energy price developments. 

The Eurogroup is an informal body in which the Finance Ministers from the Eurozone discuss various euro-related matters concerning their countries' common responsibilities. Its main task is to ensure close coordination of economic policies among the euro area’s member states and promote conditions for stronger economic growth.

Mr Cristian Zinglersen, Director of the EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), was invited as a guest speaker today to update the Eurogroup on recent energy price developments. 

Among various topics, Mr Zinglersen addressed:

  • the drivers of the energy price developments and impacts across Europe

  • the outlook for the next six months, and

  • policy considerations (short term, market design and broader energy transition pathways).

He explained that global gas (LNG) supply/demand dynamics play a key factor impacting energy prices, that the tight market conditions are expected to relax in Spring 2022, and that the policy implications are significant.

Register to ACER newsletter not to miss any updates on this topic.

In the meantime, check out the ACER Director’s slides.

ACER to decide on the amendment of the common pricing methodology for European electricity balancing markets

Electricity Pillars
Intro News
ACER has received on 26 August 2021 all transmission system operators’ proposal to amend the common methodology for harmonising the pricing balancing energy and cross-border capacity across the European electricity markets.

ACER to decide on the amendment of the common pricing methodology for European electricity balancing markets

What is it about?

The EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) has received on 26 August 2021 all transmission system operators (TSOs)’ proposal to amend the common methodology for harmonising the pricing balancing energy and cross-border capacity across the European electricity markets. The methodology is used for operating the exchange of balancing energy in the EU platforms or the imbalance netting process. The amendment proposes a reduction of the technical price limits of the integrated balancing energy markets. 

What are the next steps?

ACER will reach a decision on the proposal by 26 February 2022.

To take an informed decision, ACER will collect inputs by discussing with TSOs and National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) in the course of the decision making process.

To collect inputs from all interested stakeholders, ACER will:

  • open a public consultation from early October until early November 2021

  • hold a public workshop (mid-October 2021)

What is the benefit of having a common pricing methodology for Europe?

The common pricing methodology for balancing energy and cross-border capacity provides the rules for the efficient and harmonised pricing of the balancing energy at European level, resulting from:

  • bids activation

  • cross-border capacity used for the exchange of balancing energy.

How does ACER contribute?

ACER ensures the decision on all-TSOs’ proposal is in line with the objectives of the Electricity Balancing Regulation and fulfils the legal obligations set out by its Article 30(2), as well as with those of the Regulation on the internal market for electricity.

ACER publishes a methodological study to measure barriers to efficient price formation and easy market entry in EU electricity wholesale markets

Electricity wholesale markets, European Union, methodological study
Intro News
ACER publishes a methodological study to measure barriers to efficient price formation and easy market entry and participation for new and small players in the EU electricity wholesale markets.

ACER publishes a methodological study to measure barriers to efficient price formation and easy market entry in EU electricity wholesale markets

What is it about?

The EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) publishes today a methodological study to measure barriers to efficient price formation and easy market entry and participation for new and small players in the EU electricity wholesale markets. The study proposes a set of indicators and a methodology that will enable ACER to fulfil more effectively its new monitoring responsibilities set by the Clean Energy Package.

In particular, the study defines more than 70 indicators to be progressively included in future editions of the yearly ACER Market Monitoring Report (MMR) - Electricity Wholesale Market Volume. This will provide a comprehensive picture of the relative performance of the EU Member States in terms of efficient price formation and easy market entry and participation for new entrants and small actors.

The report describes:

  • ​13 barriers to efficient price formation and nine barriers to easy market entry and participation for new entrants and small actors.

  • More than 70 qualitative and quantitative indicators to measure these barriers.

  • The methodology to combine these indicators and create two composite indicators:

    • ACER index on efficient price formation

    • ACER index on easy market entry for new players and small actors

  • A pilot study conducted to test the data collection process, as well as the robustness of the composite indicators´ calculation tool.

The study has been conducted with the support of the consultancy DNV. Relevant inputs have also been collected from the National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) and a wide range of stakeholders through a public consultation and a set of interviews.

ACER aims to enhance this methodology over the years by adapting some barriers and indicators proposed in the study and including new ones, as the market develops.

Access the study and read more about its main findings.

Background information

Following the adoption of the Clean Energy Package, ACER has expanded the scope of its monitoring activities. Among the others, ACER is required to monitor state interventions preventing prices from reflecting actual scarcity and regulatory barriers for new market entrants and smaller actors.

Furthermore, ACER is legally required to identify and report any barriers to the completion of the internal markets for electricity and natural gas. In order to fulfil this requirement, ACER produces an annual Market Monitoring Report. Its objective is to assess the functioning of the Internal Energy Market and to show how energy markets can work more efficiently.

The Market Monitoring Report comprises of three different volumes on the Electricity Wholesale Market, the Gas Wholesale Market, and the Retail Markets & Consumer Protection.​

Save the Date: The 2020 edition of the Electricity Wholesale Market and Retail Markets & Consumer Protection Volumes are upcoming in November 2021. Sign up to our Infoflash newsletter not to miss them.

Events & Engagement

Events & Engagement

Building trust and confidence

Events, Engagement, inputs

ACER’s regulatory policies and decisions affect a wide range of businesses and organisations.

The ACER communication policy sets out why the Agency communicates, the general principles that guide our communication, our overarching approach to stakeholder engagement, and roles and responsibilities and who does what.

While our principles are grounded in our Communication Policy, our communication strategy is revised every three years. See the 2024-2026 Communication Strategy.

Engaging with those affected by our work is good for our decision-making and for trust and confidence in the regulatory regime.

Our engagement approach depends on the issue or decision being considered, and what we are trying to achieve. It ranges from providing information to you (see our documents) to seeking input from you to help inform our work. This takes different formats e.g. meetings, workshops/webinars, expert groups and formal consultations.

To facilitate stakeholder contributions, we:

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ACER decides on the electricity cross-border capacity allocation methodologies for the exchange of balancing capacity in 18 EU Member States

Electricity transmission pillars, regional capacity calculation methodologies
Intro News
ACER has reached a decision on the proposals for a market-based cross-border capacity allocation process in the Baltic and Core regions.

ACER decides on the electricity cross-border capacity allocation methodologies for the exchange of balancing capacity in 18 EU Member States

What is it about?

The EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) has reached a decision on the proposals for market-based cross-border capacity allocation processes in the Baltic and Core regions.

These processes aim to maximise the welfare generated by the provision of cross-border capacities to the day ahead energy and balancing capacity markets.

In February 2021, the national regulatory authorities for energy from both regions have asked ACER to decide on the respective methodologies.

The Core region includes 13 countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Croatia, France, Germany, Hungary, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia.

The Baltic region comprises of 6 countries: Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden.

Two further proposals (submitted on a voluntary basis), respectively on the market-based cross-border capacity allocation process in the Hansa capacity calculation region (CCR) and on the regional cross-border capacity allocation process based on economic efficiency in the Core CCR, were withdrawn from the respective transmission system operators (TSOs).

Therefore, ACER will not take any decision on these two methodologies.

How did ACER contribute?

ACER revised both methodologies to improve the efficiency, transparency and non-discrimination of these capacity allocation processes for the exchange of balancing capacity or sharing of reserves.

Both ACER Decisions contribute to the integration of the balancing capacity markets by establishing the rules for allocating the cross-border capacity needed to facilitate the balancing capacity procurement at regional level.

Read more about ACER Decision 10-2021 on the Baltic CCR methodology and its Annexes.

Access ACER Decision 11-2021 on the Core CCR methodology and its Annexes.

REMIT Forum 2021

REMIT Forum 2021

The 2021 edition celebrated the 10th anniversary of the regulation with a series of events

REMIT Forum 2021

25th of October 2021 marked the 10th anniversary of the Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT), which came into force in 2011 to support open and fair competition in the European wholesale energy markets.

The massive decarbonisation of the European energy system will increasingly rely on more integrated energy markets. Otherwise, the cost of the transition is likely to be much higher, endangering social acceptance. One aspect often overlooked of such further reliance on integrated energy markets is the ability to have trust in these markets, ensuring they are free of manipulation and other damaging trading behaviour. This is the contribution of REMIT, the most advanced energy market monitoring effort on the planet. As such, making sure REMIT evolves alongside energy system change in Europe is the ‘political corollary’ of relying on the further integration of energy markets across Member States to secure the objectives set at the highest levels of government.

What was the REMIT Forum 2021 about?

In the past 10 years of REMIT, ACER have successfully implemented practically all the pieces of the regulation. However, as the REMIT landscape continues to develop, there may eventually be a call for revision and changes. With a series of events in October 2021, ACER aimed to reflect back and to provide a high-level forum to discuss the future.

What format did the REMIT Forum 2021 take?

The 5th REMIT Forum was organised as a series of virtual events: on 25 October an introductory webinar to REMIT was followed by the main plenary session, which fostered a high level political discussion among key stakeholders. On 26 and 28 October, the Forum provided special interest groups sessions on data, reporting and technology as well as on the ACER Guidance.


Access the REMIT Forum 2021 Conclusions.


Date & Time



25th October

(10.00-12.00 CET).

Open webinar: Introduction to REMIT



This open and free webinar provided the first step for newcomers to better understand REMIT and a gateway to further explore the integrity and transparency of EU wholesale energy markets. The webinar aimed to introduce the concept of REMIT to researchers, journalists and all other interested public. It served as a warm up prior to the main event.

25th October

(14.00-17.00 CET).

Plenary session “10 years of REMIT – what is next?”



The session included a broad range of content, from keynotes to panel discussions, and was not dedicated to a specific REMIT mandate. The purpose was to celebrate 10 years of REMIT by looking back, what was achieved, where are the issues and looking forward - what should be done to improve the regulatory regime. The panel addressed these three questions:

  • What are the key challenges in REMIT in the next 2-3 years?
  • How can this challenges be best addressed?
  • Who should act on these challenges and how?

26th October

(14.00-16.00 CET).

Special session: “REMIT data and technology”



The session addressed topics related to REMIT data collection, data features, information management and technology.  The panellists discussed REMIT data collection so far and their expectations for the future.

28th October

(14.00-16.30 CET).

Special session: “6th version of the ACER guidance”



The session addressed topics related to recently published REMIT guidance. The panellists were invited to share their perspectives, as energy or financial regulators, market surveillance experts or market participants, on a series of questions relating to the ACER Guidance and its role in the compliance to, implementation and enforcement of REMIT.