

Connecting Europe

Electricity transmission networks, once developed purely for national requirements, have become increasingly interconnected across Europe, creating one of the largest electricity transmission systems in the world. The system enables the operation of the Internal Energy Market (IEM), requiring coordinated actions of all Member States in terms of its development and operation.

To facilitate the integration of the IEM, individual Transmission System Operators (TSOs) cooperate under the umbrella of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for electricity (ENTSO-E) when developing new infrastructure assets. ​

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What's the role of ACER?

ACER plays a crucial role in overseeing all aspects of network development by:

  • Reviewing the​ draft Union–wide Ten-year Network Development Plan prepared by ENTSO-E every two years, assessing its consistency with the national Ten-year Network Development Plans, and monitoring its implementation

  • Coordinating National Regulatory Authorities' work on establishing and making publicly available a set of indicators and reference values of unit investment costs of infrastructure projects

  • Supporting the selection of priority projects in Europe, by providing its views on the biennial draft regional lists of Projects of Common Interest, and by monitoring annually their implementation

  • Monitoring the implementation of the Inter-TSO compensation mechanism

  • Deciding on some cross-border issues, such as the allocation of the investment costs of projects of common interest or on granting exemptions from third party access in case NRAs fail to agree

  • Striving towards efficient and cost reflective network tariffs, by reviewing the appropriateness of transmission charges to be paid by generators and identifying best practices of transmission and distribution tariff methodologies

  • Ensuring the efficient use of congestion revenues, by approving the methodology proposed by all TSOs

  • Providing views on ENTSO-E's work planning and Innovation activities​

ACER Official Documents

Official documents

​​​​ACER can issue non binding opinions and recommendations to national energy regulators, transmission system operators, and EU institutions.​​​​

ACER can also take binding individual decisions in specific cases and under certain conditions on cross-border infrastructure issues.

On request from the European Commission, the Agency submits draft framework guidelines which serve as basis for the drafting of network codes. The network codes only become binding after comitology procedure involving Member States and the European Commission.

Consult the ACER work programme for a detailed list of ACER tasks and deliverables.​​​​​​​​​​​

Acts of the Agency
See Also

Speaking Request

Speaking Request

Would you like to invite an ACER speaker to your event?​

Thank you for your interest in the EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER). 

While the Agency is committed to attending externa​l events related to its field of work and competences, it is obliged, due to the limited resources at its disposal, carefully to select the events in which its staff members participate. 

A decision is taken based on the event in question, as well as on the availability of staff members on the date(s) of the event.

​In order for us to make an informed decision about the event at which you would like an ACER staff member to speak, we kindly ask you to send us a request with details about your event to press(at)

Speaking Request



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Network Code Implementation and Monitoring Group

Network Code Implementation and Monitoring Group

A forum for high-level coordination

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Network Code Implementation and Monitoring Group (NC IMG) was a forum for high level strategic coordination between the European Commission, the European Union Agen​cy for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E), and the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG).    

The NC IMG used to oversee the implementation and implementation monitoring of electricity ne​twork codes and gas network codes in the EU. Network codes and guidelines are rules to harmonise technical, operational and market rules governing the EU's electricity grids and gas networks, making an integrated EU internal energy market possible.    ​​​​​

The NC IMG is no longer operational and its work has been discontinued in 2020.

Network Code Implementation and Monitoring Group


Network Code Implementation and Monitoring Group

Information on implementation and implementation monitoring

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​The Gas Networ​k Codes Functionality Platform (FUNC) is managed by ACER and ENTSOG with the support of the European Commission. The platform allows stakeholders to report cross-border, regional and European issues related to the implementation of gas network codes and guidelines. This cooperation facilitates ACER and ENTSOG to find solutions to the cross-border, regional and European issues identified.    

ACER and ENTSO-E co-organise three European Stakeholder Committ​ees (ESCs), one for each family of electricity codes (market codes, operational codes, and connection codes). 

They complement, rather than replacing, the​ legal obligations to consult and inform stakeholders during the implementation of electricity network codes. ​​​​​​

Stakeholders' database tracking all queries about electricity network codes

Find out more:

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Our talent pool


​​​Reserve lists constitute a pool of potential recruits who reached a minimum of 70% of the attainable points during the selection procedure. 

The reserve lists have a fixed validity until the end of the calendar year and may be extended by the Director.

Find out mo​re about the validity of reserve lists.


ACER has been recruiting different types of profiles in order to achieve its mission and objectives.

Find out more about our previous vacancies below.

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

3 Head of Department Positions (AD 11)

Reference: ACER/2024/07

Published: 10/06/2024

Closed: 20/06/2024

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Policy Officer – Market Modelling Expert (AD7)

Reference: ACER/2024/06

Published: 29/04/2024

Closed: 05/06/2024

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

HRM Assistant - Talent Management (AST3)

Reference: ACER/2024/05

Published: 22/04/2024

Closed: 24/05/2024

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

ICT Assistant – IT Project and Application Management (AST 3)

Reference: ACER/2024/04

Published: 12/04/2024

Closed: 16/05/2024

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Policy Officer – Network Codes (AD5)

Reference: ACER/2024/02

Published: 08/03/2024

Closed: 06/05/2024

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Policy Officer – Market Conduct (AD5)

Reference: ACER/2024/03

Published: 28/03/2024

Closed: 06/05/2024

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Project Manager - Organisational Impact Officer (AD5)

Reference: ACER/202/01

Published: 01/02/2024

Closed: 04/03/2024

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Policy Officer - Electricity (AD 5)

Reference: ACER/2023/09

Published: 20/12/2023

Closed: 02/02/2024

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Security Officer – Cybersecurity (AD 6)

Reference: ACER/2023/08

Published: 20/12/2023

Closed: 22/01/2024

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Head of Department – Gas, Hydrogen and Retail

Reference: ACER/2023/07

Published: 07/12/2023

Closed: 08/01/2024

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Policy Officer - Market Conduct (AD 7)

Reference: ACER/2023/06

Published: 04/10/2023

Closed: 21/11/2023

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Policy Officer - Electricity (FG IV)

Reference: ACER/2023/05

Published: 22/08/2023

Closed: 05/10/2023

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Policy Officer - LNG Expert (AD 7)

Reference: ACER/2023/01

Published: 15/02/2023

Closed: 21/04/2023

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Information Systems Assistant - IT  Service (AST 4)

Reference: ACER/2023/04

Published: 09/03/2023

Closed: 21/04/2023

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Policy Officer - Market Codes (AD 6)

Reference: ACER/2023/03

Published: 20/02/2023

Closed: 24 March 2023, 14:00 (Ljubljana time)

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Policy Officer – Energy Infrastructure (FGIV)

Reference: ACER/2023/02

Published: 22/02/2023

Closed: 16/03/2023

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Policy Officer - Market Data Analytics (FGIV)

Reference: ACER/2022/20

Published: 19/12/2022

Closed: 27/02/2023


Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Policy Officer - Market Transparency (AD7)

Reference: ACER/2022/19

Published: 19 December 2022

Closed: 20 January 2023

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Policy Officer - Market Data Analytics (AD5)

Reference: ACER/2022/18

Published: 19 December 2022

Closed: 20 January 2023

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Administrative Assistant – Facility, Workspace operations and Procurement (AST3)

Reference: ACER/2022/17

Published: 29 November 2022

Closed: 11 January 2023

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Policy Officer - Cybersecurity (AD 7)

Reference: ACER/2022/14

Published: 10 October 2022

Closed: 21 November 2022

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Information Systems Officer - IT Services (AD 6)

Reference: ACER/2022/16

Published: 25 October 2022

Closed: 16 November 2022

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Policy Officer - Electricity (FG IV)

Reference: ACER/2022/13

Published: 21 September 2022

Closed: 7 November 2022

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Policy Officer - Compliance (AD 7)

Reference: ACER/2022/15

Published: 7 October 2022

Closed: 3 November 2022

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Administrative Agent (AST/SC 1)

Reference: ACER/2022/12

Published: 2 September 2022

Closed: 23 September 2022


Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Digital Communications Assistant (FG III)

Reference: ACER/2022/10

Published: 28 June 2022

Closed: 31 July 2022

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

IT Service Officer - Market Data Management (FG IV)

Reference: ACER/2022/09

Published: 8 April 2022

Closed: 22 May 2022

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Policy Officer - Energy Infrastructure (AD 5)

Reference: ACER/2022/05

Published: 22 March 2022

Closed: 10 May 2022

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Information Systems Assistant - IT Service (AST 4)

Reference: ACER/2022/06

Published: 11 March 2022

Closed: 2 May 2022

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Policy Officer - Strategic Direction & Coordination (AD 5)

Reference: ACER/2022/04

Published: 9 March 2022

Closed: 7 April 2022

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Legal Officer (AD 7)

Reference: ACER/2021/09

Published: 18 December 2021

Closed: 19 March 2022

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Market Conduct Officer (AD 5)

Reference: ACER/2022/02

Published: 18 January 2022

Closed: 13 March 2022

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

HRM Assistant - Business Partner (AST 3)

Reference: ACER/2022/07

Published: 9 February 2022

Closed: 11 March 2022

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Finance and Procurement Officer (FG IV)

Reference: ACER/2022/01

Published: 18 January 2022

Closed: 8 February 2022

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Policy Officer - System Operations & Grid Connection Codes (FG IV)

Reference: ACER/2021/07

Published: 19 October 2021

Closed: 30 November 2021

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

HRM Officer - Talent Management (AD6)

Reference: ACER/2021/06

Published: 18 October 2021

Closed: 30 November 2021

Previous vacancies and reserve lists

Policy Officer - Market Surveillance (FG IV)

Reference: ACER/2021/02

Published: 18 March 2021

Closed: 14 May 2021


List of past vacancies 2016​-2019

Working at ACER

​​​​​At ACER we value diversity and make no distinction on the grounds of sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation.

ACER currently employs twenty different nationalities and is committed to fostering a culturally diverse work environment.

The Agency guarantees respect for everyone at the workplace and it is committed to prevent any psychological or sexual harassment.

A rainbow of activities shows Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) in action in ACER:

  • Training

  • Human Resource (HR) policies and practices

  • D&I resource library

  • Dedicated D&I section in the Staff Newsletter

  • Fostering a culture of inclusion through a dedicated D&I group (pro-actively led by ACER’s staff)

  • As chair of the Diversity and Inclusion Working Group of the EU Agencies Network (EUAN), ACER helps spreading the European spirit of diversity and inclusion across the family of EU Agencies, with:

    • the adoption the EUAN Charter on Diversity and Inclusion (May 2021) 

    • information sharing and awareness raising activities e.g. through workshops/on-line talks on D&I issues to share good practices

    • ACER’s internal D&I survey inspired a common D&I survey template for use across the EUAN, ensuring an effective data collection on D&I matters. Read more on the EUAN website.

Representing diversity and respecting dignity at the workplace
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Flexible work arrangements, days of leave and public holidays


ACER strongly supports and encourages a healthy work-life balance. The Agency introduced flexible and core working hours, so that Staff members and SNEs are free to choose the beginning and the end of their working day while ensuring their office presence during core hours.

Telework is also supported for Staff and SNEs, so to carry out their duties outside the Agency's premises.

ACER has between 17 and 19 days of public holidays spread across the calendar year.

Staff members and SNEs are entitled to annual leave of 2 days per month. 




The Agency offers annual medical checks to staff and organises seasonal vaccinations. It also offers the possibility of specific and ad hoc medical and consultation services concerning physical and mental health.

The Agency also subsidizes several sport activities, such as football, yoga, fitness, climbing, Pilates, and many more.

Any newcomer can also benefit from the Welcome Buddy programme helping new colleagues to get a good start with their new life at ACER and in Ljubljana, as well as to integrate quickly in the new environment.

ACER's employees are also supported by the Staff Committee (SC), acting as a bridge between the staff and the management and ensuring the  interest of staff is represented. ​

Learning and Development 


Our learning and development portfolio ranges from language courses, own initiative learning, in-house courses, to specific training in partner institutions such as the European Commission, Florence School of Regulation, European School of Administration, and many more.​​


Remuneration, allowances, and other benefits


ACER offers a competitive remuneration scheme and several allowances.

Remuneration includes basic salary, family allowances and other benefits (compensation of costs related to entry into service, installation, annual travel and removal), depending on the individual situation.

If you are an expat with an employment contract of at least one year, you will also be entitled to the VAT exemption during your first twelve months in Slovenia.

Health insurance is provided by the European Commission - Joint Sickness and Insurance Scheme (JSIS), starting with the first day of your employment at the Agency. It can also be extended to your family under certain conditions.

ACER offers also external legal service for its staff, exclusively available for personal purposes. The service provides free-of-charge legal advising in various areas of Slovene law, such as consumer rights, property law, or tax law. The main purpose is to facilitate the integration of staff and families in Slovenia, as the host country.

Office facilities

In the heart of Ljubljana, ACER welcomes its staff and guests in modern and well-equipped offices.  The most important services, facilities, shops and restaurants are at a walking distance from ACER offices.


Life in Ljubljana

Ljubljana is the green capital of a green country and is considered to be a yet undiscovered gem of Europe. It is one of the smallest European capitals, with less than 300.000 residents. Awarded the title of European Green Capital 2016, the city features a widely pedestrianized city centre, well-developed cycling networks and a substantial presence of green areas, distinguishing itself for its high liveability and security levels.

Ljubljana is located in the heart of Slovenia, making it a perfect starting point for any trip. The country represents an earthly paradise for outdoor lovers offering a wide range of activities: from skiing to rafting, from climbing to cycling and horse-riding, In Slovenia, due to its relatively small size, you can swim in the sea and climb mountains on the same day.

Find out more about Slovenia​.

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Work arrangements and wellbeing
Living in Ljubljana
See also:

Types of Contracts

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​1. Temporary Staf​f


​​​​Temporary Staff posts are offered for a fixed period of 5 years with a possibility of renewal. In general, Temporary Staff posts are classified according to the nature of the duties into:


  • Administrators' function group (AD): comprises eleven grades (AD5 - AD15) corresponding to technical, administrative, advisory, linguistic and scientific duties,

  • Assistants' function group (AST): comprises nine grades (AST3 - AST11) corresponding to executive, technical and clerical duties.


2. Contract Staff​

Contract Staff are classified in four function groups according to the nature of work: 


  • Function group I: Manual and Administrative support,

  • Function group II: Clerical and secretarial, office management and other equivalent tasks,

  • Function group III: Executive, drafting and accountancy and other equivalent tasks,

  • Function group IV: Administrative, advisory, linguistic and equivalent technical tasks.


The duration of contracts for Contract Staff varies according to the needs of the Agency. Contract Staff are offered a contract with a fixed period of maximum 3 years which may be renewed.​

Careers at ACER are open to nationals of the European Union and EFTA Member States.​

3. Seconded National Experts

​Seconded national experts (SNEs) are civil servants from a national, regional or local public administration or an International Governmental Organisation, working temporarily for the Agency and contributing to its work under specific rules.

SNEs are not recruited by the Agency: they do not become ACER Staff Members but remain employed and paid by their initial employer. As a compensation for the additional costs of living temporarily abroad, SNEs are entitled to daily and monthly subsistence allowances.

The initial secondment period cannot not be less than six months and more than two years, renewed up to a total of four years. The period of the secondment may be extended further if decided by the Director.


4. Interim Staff

The Agency can be supported by interim staff on a temporary basis, for instance under periods of heavy workload, or for the organisation of events, meetings and workshops, receptions, and welcoming events.

Interim staff is engaged through local contracting agencies. The vacancy notices are posted on various Slovenian job portals.


5. Trai​​nees

Trainee positions are targeted to young university graduates to help them in gaining technical and operational experience. Through their everyday work in the Agency, trainees have the opportunity to put into practice the technical knowledge acquired during their studies or professional careers.

Traineeships last for a minimum of three months to a maximum of six and may be extended once for up to six months (1 year in total).

ACER offers different types of contracts:
See also:


Traineeship Programme

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​Are you a strongly motivated, highly qualified and competent graduate? If your answer is yes, you landed in the right place.

The ACER traineeship programme aims to attract university graduates who are interested in developing professionally by embarking on an exciting learning opportunity.

The programme creates a pool of talents with first-hand experience in the European Union and on the Agency’s specific procedures. In exchange, trainees acquire technical and operational experience through their everyday work in the Agency and are able to practice the technical knowledge acquired in their studies or professional careers.

A traineeship at ACER is a great opportunity to develop professionally in a multinational and intellectually stimulating environment, while contributing to the Agency's mission.

Who can apply?

The traineeship programme is opened for university graduates, nationals of a Member State of the European Union, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein who have completed their university studies (3 years or more), attested by a diploma. ACER also opened its traineeship programme to Ukrainian graduates

Traineeship candidates are also required to have a very good knowledge of at least two EU languages, one of them should be English.

Traine​eships last a minimum of 3 months to a maximum of 6 and can be extended once for up to 6 other months (1 year in total).


Have a look at the ACER traineeship open​ call​.

acer imageIf interested in applying, fill in the Traineeship Application ​Form​, attach a copy of your diploma and send it to Traineeship(at)    

Read carefully the Rules before submitting the application!


Selection procedure

The Agency draws a list of eligible and suitable applicants according to the current needs and available places.

Before the final selection decision, applicants can be contacted by the Hum​​​an Resources Team to verify their availability, suitability, language skills, and to discuss reciprocal expectations. The final decision is then taken by the ACER Director.

All candidates are informed about the outcomes of the selection procedure.

​Traineeship grant

Trainees not receiving a salary, scholarship or other form of financial support are provided with a monthly grant. As of 1st January 2024, the Traineeship grant amounts to 1,265.36 EUR. Trainees can also be awarded some extra contributions:

  • Travel expenses (beginning and end of traineeship): Trainees who have completed at least a 3-month traineeship period might be entitled to the reimbursement of their travel expenses.

  • Public transportation: All trainees are granted a monthly pass for public transport within Ljubljana.              


For more information about the eligibility criteria, rights and duties of trainees, have a look at our FAQs. If you have further questions, contact: Traineeship(at)​

How to apply?
About the Traineeship Programme
Find out more about:

Meet your colleagues

Meet your colleagues

We are ACER!

Watch the video & learn more about our commitment in delivering a single and sustainable European energy market.

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What does your position entail in your day-to-day tasks? 


My position entails a lot of interaction with stakeholders involved in the market integration process (EC, NRAs, TSOs, NEMOs and market participants) and, of course, with my team. 

My daily tasks essentially consist of making sure that we deliver on time, with the required level of quality and consistency, and in a pleasant working environment.

Is there anything you find particularly enjoyable of working at ACER that you would like to share?

What I find particularly exciting in working in ACER is this opportunity which is given to us to make the difference, to have a real impact on the market integration process. It's always rewarding to see that the work you have been intensively involved in, sometimes during several months or even years, eventually delivers concrete and positive results at EU level.​​

Christophe Gence-Creux - Head of the Electricity Department

​What do you think about working at ACER?

ACER is a lively and stimulating international working environment, full of opportunities, great colleagues and challenges. Having spent 8 years working for the Italian national regulator and for the Italian energy exchange, it is such a great opportunity to be able to directly contribute to the harmonization of the European energy framework.

As of April, I have also been elected Chair of the ACER's Staff Committee. We are six colleagues representing ACER staff in relevant processes and decisions. A great opportunity to contribute to the wellbeing of people at ACER!'

Last but not least, a word about Ljubljana:
'I enjoy a lot living in Ljubljana, especially for its green-oriented aptitude and for having all the features of an European capital with the advantages of a human-sized place…I am definitely in love with this city!

What do you think about your job at ACER?

HRM has enormous potential to empower people and to release the potential of teams, especially with such an expert, dedicated and diverse team as ours. I like the strong feeling of community and belonging and the possibility to explore and develop my own interests while serving the rest of the staff. 

...and about living in Ljubljana?


Since I moved back to Ljubljana, my quality of life has improved a lot. I really appreciate the fact I can walk and bike everywhere. 

Ljubljana, despite being small, has a great offer of events and activities for both locals and expats.

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Eleonora Nagali - Policy Officer in the Market Integrity and Transparency Department and Chair of the Staff Committee
Ilina Hristova - HR Management Team

Recruitment process

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​​​Every selection procedure is advertised on the ACER website.

Applicants should apply by submitting the documents listed in the selection notice to the specific functional email address. Applications received after the deadline or those which do not comply with the instructions are not considered valid.

To evaluate all the applications received, a Selection Committee is appointed for each selection procedure. The Selection Committee is composed of at least three members: one member is appointed from the recruiting Department, one from the Administration and a third is proposed by the Staff Committee.

The Selection Committee assesses each application and select the most suitable applicants in an objective, impartial and transparent manner. The selected candidates are then invited to a written examination and an oral interview.

Spontaneous applications

ACER does not consider spontaneous applications. Only applications sent to the relevant functional mailbox before the closing time of an open selection procedure are accepted.  ​

The procedure

Invitations to the interview and written test are sent by the e-mail indicated in the application. The interview is held in English, but the knowledge of other languages may also be tested. Native English speakers can expect to prove their second language skills. The written test is anonymised and conducted in English.

The duration of the written test is between 30-60 minutes followed by 30-60 minutes interview with the appointed Selection Committee.

Candidates invited for an interview, and/or to a medical examination, may be entitled to financial contribution or reimbursement of their travel and subsistence expenses. 

Candidates who successfully achieved a mark equal to or higher than 70% of the total points are placed on a reserve list. Placement on the reserve list does not guarantee an offer letter or recruitment.

The selection process may take several months to be completed. During this period, no information other than the status on current selection procedures is released.

​​All candidates are informed about the outcome of the recruitment procedure.

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Interview and written test
Reserve list and offer letter
See also:
Relevant Documents: