4.5 Data fields related to option details

4.5 Data fields related to option details

This section includes the following fields:

Field No. Field name Traded on OMP - Orders Traded on OMP - Trades Traded outside OMP - BILCONTRACT Traded outside OMP - EXECUTIONS
44 Option style M* M* M* -
45 Option type M* M* M* -
46 Option exercise date M* M* M* -
47 Option strike price M* M* M* -

M = mandatory; O = optional; - = does not apply; * = conditionally required; DV = default value specified in TRUM

 Data Field (44) Option style

No. Field Identifier Description
44 Option style Indicates whether the option may be exercised only at a fixed date (European and Asian style), a series of pre-specified dates (Bermudan) or at any time during the life of the contract (American style).
Description of Accepted Values Type Length Examples
  • A=American
  • B=Bermudan
  • E=European
  • S=Asian
  • O=Other
Text 1 B

This field identifies the option style, usually defined by the dates on which the option may be exercised: American, European, Bermudian, Asian or other style.

An American style option can be exercised anytime during its life allowing option holders to exercise the option at any time prior to and including its maturity date. A European style option can only be exercised at the maturity date. A Bermudian style option can only be exercised on specified dates indicated in Data Field (46) Option exercise date.

Reporting parties should refer to financial markets in order to identify the option style they are reporting. The reporting of exotic option styles such as binary, barrier, window options, etc., if traded at organised market places, should be reported with the value of “O”. 

Data Field (45) Option type

No. Field Identifier Description
45 Option type Indicates whether the option is a call, put or other.
Description of Accepted Values Type Length Examples
  • P=Put
  • C=Call
  • O=Other
Text 1 C

This field identifies the type of right the option holder owns. “P” shall be indicated if the option is a put option and “C” shall be indicated if the option is a call option. If the option holder owns a type of right different from put or call, the value “O” for other shall be reported in this field.

Reporting parties should refer to financial markets in order to identify the option type they are reporting.

Data Field (46) Option exercise date

No. Field Identifier Description
46 Option exercise date The date or dates when the option is exercised. If more than one, further fields may be used.
Description of Accepted Values Type Length Examples
ISO 8601 date format. Multiple rows if needed. Date 10 2014-01-29

This field identifies the date at which the option holder has the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell the commodity or underlying instrument at a specified price on or before a specified date. In the case of an American, European or Asian option style, one exercise date is reported. In the case of a Bermudian option style, several dates may be reported.

Reporting parties should refer to financial markets in order to report correctly the exercise date/dates

Data Field (47) Option strike price

No. Field Identifier Description
47 Option strike price The strike price of the option.
Description of Accepted Values Type Length Examples
Up to 20 numerical digits in the format xxxx.yyyyy with a maximum of 5 decimals. Number 20 125.98

This field identifies the price at which the owner of the option can buy (in the case of a call option) or sell (in the case of a put option) the energy commodity as indicated in the option contract.
