6.9 Examples of transaction reporting
In order to facilitate transaction reporting and the understanding of how to populate the data fields in Table 3 of the Annex to the REMIT Implementing Regulation, the Agency provides a number of examples of transaction reports. The examples can be found in Annex II of this document.
It is worth noting that not all the data fields are mandatory for all transactions. The data fields are expected to be reported only when it is applicable according to this manual. The Agency has prepared an extensive list of trading scenarios to show what is expected and applicable to each scenario. However, the Agency is aware of the fact that, given the characteristics of some transactions, not all the possible trading scenarios have been covered in this manual.
The Agency will continue to work with relevant stakeholders on the reporting of electricity transportation contracts and will provide more detailed information on this topic in subsequent updates of the TRUM, including additional trading scenarios in Annex II. |