Middle and Low Value Contracts - Past procedures

Middle and Low Value Contracts - Past procedures

2019 - 2023

ACER/2024/MVP/0002: Provision of data visualisation services for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 142,999

Approx. launch date: beginning of March 2024

Deadline to register an interest: 06.03.2024


ACER/NEG/IGR/36/2023: A study on unlocking the full potential of the electricity system of systems for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 75,000

Approx. launch date: beginning of November 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 03.11.2023


ACER/NEG/CS/34/2023: Provision of Internet connectivity services for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 140,000

Approx. launch date: beginning of November 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 27.10.2023


ACER/NEG/SDC/33/2023: Provision of online media monitoring services for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 60,000

Approx. launch date: End of October 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 16.10.2023


ACER/NEG/CS/29/2023: Provision of transport services for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (LOT 1: Carried out by an executive limousine and/or a passenger van, LOT 2: Carried out by a mini-bus and/or a bus)

Estimated budget: EUR 92,000

Approx. launch date: end August 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 29.08.2023


ACER/NEG/CS/24/2023: Maintenance of technical equipment in the Data Centre of the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy ​Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 140,000

Approx. launch date: August 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 24.08.2023


ACER/NEG/CS/22/2023: Provision of removal services and rental of storage facilities for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (LOT 1: Provision of removal services; LOT 2: Rental of storage facilities)

Estimated budget: EUR 140,000

Approx. launch date: beginning July 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 29.06.2023


ACER/NEG/IGR/21/2023: Study on the implementation, availability and uptake of dynamic price contracts in EU Member States

Estimated budget: EUR 50,000

Approx. launch date: July 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 17.07.2023


ACER/NEG/SDC/06/2023: Provision of catering services for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 60,000

Approx. launch date: end of June 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 20.06.2023


ACER/NEG/CS/07/2023: Learning and development services for general skills development and training on energy policy for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (Lot 1: Training in general skills, soft skills and management skills, Lot 2: Training in European energy policy, energy regulation and energy legislation)

Estimated budget: EUR 120,000

Approx. launch date: end May 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 22.05.2023


ACER/NEG/MIT/12/2023: Provision of hosting and co-location services for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 140,000

Approx. launch date: end May 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 24.05.2023


ACER/NEG/CS/13/2023: Provision of transport services for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (LOT 1: Carried out by executive limousine and/or passenger van, LOT 2: Carried out by mini-bus and/or bus)

Estimated budget: EUR 92,000

Approx. launch date: June 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 23.05.2023


ACER/NEG/IGR/10/2023: Establishing criteria for benefit-based remuneration of efficient infrastructure investments for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 75,000

Approx. launch date: end March 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 24.03.2023


ACER/NEG/ED/04/2023: Review of Member States’ practices regarding the methodology for calculating the value of lost load, the cost of new entry and the reliability standard

Estimated budget: EUR 80,000

Approx. launch date: April 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 14.04.2023


ACER/NEG/IGR/08/2023: Study on the impact of the measures included in the EU and national gas storage regulations for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 50,000

Approx. launch date: March 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 20.03.2023


ACER/NEG/SDC/05/2023: Provision of design services for the EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 60,000

Approx. launch date: March 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 06.03.2023


ACER/NEG/ED/03/2023: Study on the welfare potential of co-optimised allocation of cross-zonal capacity between the balancing capacity and day-ahead electricity markets for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 60,000

Approx. launch date: March 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 06.02.2023


ACER/NEG/IGR/02/2023: Establishing criteria for benefit-based remuneration of efficient infrastructure investments for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 50,000

Approx. launch date: first half of February 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 25.01.2023


ACER/NEG/IGR/29/2022: Provision of analysis and data outlining the impact of the energy crisis on European electricity and gas consumers and the impacts of the policy measures implemented in relation to the crisis for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 20,000

Approx. launch date: mid-November 2022

Deadline to register an interest: 03.11.2022


ACER/NEG/ED/20/2022: Study on technical and legal definitions of congestions in electricity networks for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 60,000

Approx. launch date: September 2022

Deadline to register an interest: 25.08.2022


ACER/NEG/MIT/19/2022: Supply and installation of an upgraded cooling capacity in the Data Centre of the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 45,000

Approx. launch date: July 2022

Deadline to register an interest: 08.07.2022


ACER/NEG/IGR/15/2022: A study on requirements and implementation of ENTSOG Cost Benefit Analysis methodology for Hydrogen Infrastructure for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 80,000

Approx. launch date: End of June 2022

Deadline to register an interest: 16.06.2022


ACER/NEG/IGR/12/2022: A report on Unit Investment Cost Indicators for Electricity and Gas Infrastructure Projects

Estimated budget: EUR 75,000

Approx. launch date: April 2022

Deadline to register an interest: 13.04.2022


ACER/NEG/LS/07/2022: Provision of general legal support in Slovenian law for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 60,000

Approx. launch date: End of March 2022

Deadline to register an interest: 18.03.2022


ACER/NEG/MIT/25/2021: Disaster recovery site for REMIT information systems for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 60,000

Approx. launch date: second half of October 2021

Deadline to register an interest: 18.10.2021


ACER/NEG/SDC/19/2021: Provision of infographics and data visualisation services for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 60,000

Approx. launch date: August 2021

Deadline to register an interest: 30.07.2021


ACER/NEG/CS/18/2021: Provision of fitting out works at the premises of the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (LOT 1: Renovation and upgrade of bathroom facilities, LOT 2: Fitting out and upgrade of the lighting system)

Estimated budget: EUR 90,000

Approx. launch date: August 2021

Deadline to register an interest: 27.07.2021


ACER/NEG/CS/16/2021: Provision of removal services and rental of storage facilities for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 25,000

Approx. launch date: mid July 2021

Deadline to register an interest: 02.07.2021


ACER/NEG/CS/13/2021: Provision of office stationery and office supplies for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 80,000

Approx. launch date: Mid June 2021

Deadline to register an interest: 04.06.2021


ACER/NEG/LS/04/2021: Provision of legal advice services for the staff of the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 60,000

Approx. launch date: End February 2021

Deadline to register an interest: 12.02.2021


ACER/NEG/ED/24/2020: Study on application of clustering algorithms on nodal simulation results to identify alternative bidding zone configurations related to electricity

Estimated budget: EUR 80,000​

Approx. launch date: End November 2020

Deadline to register an interest: 26.11.2020​​


ACER/NEG/CS/17/2020: Maintenance of technical equipment in the Data Centre of the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy ​Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 100,000​

Approx. launch date: mid October 2020

Deadline to register an interest: 13.10.2020​​

ACER/NEG/DO/12/2019: Provision of online media monitoring services and weekly press/media digest/summary for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 60,000

Approx. launch date: mid October 2019

Deadline to register an interest: 11.10.2019​

ACER/NEG/ADMIN/08/2019: Provision of postal services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 80,000

Approx. launch date: end of May 2019

Deadline to register an interest: 21.05.2019

ACER/NEG/DO/09/2019: Provision of catering services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 144,000

Approx. launch date: end of May 2019

Deadline to register an interest: 21.05.2019

ACER/NEG/ADMIN/04/2019: Provision of transport services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 60,000

Approx. launch date: March 2019

Deadline to register an interest: 05.03.2019

Middle and Low Value Contracts - Past procedures


ACER/NEG/GAS/15/2018: Assisting the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators in assessing financial, economic, and risk parameters of a proposed gas transmission pipeline and the project’s potential impact on gas markets and gas infrastructure.
Estimated budget: EUR 45,000
Approx. launch date: end of November 2018
Deadline to register an interest: 21.11.2018
ACER/NEG/DO/10/2018: Provision of catering services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Estimated budget: EUR 144,000
Approx. launch date: end of June 2018

Deadline to register an interest: 22.06.2018 

ACER/NEG/DO/13/2018: Provision of design services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
​Estimated budget: EUR 60,000
Approx. launch date: end of June 2018

Deadline to register an interest: 25.06.2018        

ACER/NEG/GAS/01/2018: Provision of legal support services with respect to the proposed template for the general terms and conditions in the transport contracts of gas transmission system operators (Article 20 of Commission Regulation (EUR) 2017/459 of 16 March 2016 establishing a network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems) for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators  
​Estimated budget: EUR 45,000     
Approx. launch date: January 2018
Deadline to register an interest: 16.01.2018
ACER/NEG/ADMIN/04/2018: Provision of printing services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
​Estimated budget: EUR 42,000
Approx. launch date: end of April 2018
Deadline to register an interest: 20.04.2018
ACER/NEG/ADMIN/08/2018: Team leader/management development programme for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
​Estimated budget: EUR 35,000
Approx. launch date: beginning of May 2018

Deadline to register an interest: 20.04.2018​



ACER/NEG/DO/15/2017: Provision of design services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators  
​Estimated budget: EUR 80,000     
Approx. launch date: beginning of September 2017 
Deadline to register an interest: 05.09.2017​
ACER/NEG/ADMIN/03/2017: Supply of office stationary and office material for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators  
​Estimated budget: EUR 80,000     
Approx. launch date: end March 2017 
Deadline to register an interest: 22.03.2017 extended until 07.04.2017​
ACER/NEG/ADMIN/02/2017: Provision of general legal support in Slovenian law for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators 
Estimated budget: EUR 60,000   
Approx. launch date: end January 2017
Deadline to register an interest: 17.01.2017  ​   
ACER/NEG/ED/01/2017: Purchase of a software with the maintenance licence for calculating load flows for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Estimated budget: EUR 80,000   
Approx. launch date: end January 2017           
Deadline to register an interest: 17.01.2017 



​ACER/NEG/ED/11/2016: Development and setting-up of an electricity wholesale market monitoring database          
Estimated budget: EUR 55,000         
Approx. launch date: mid September 2016           
Deadline to register an interest: 09.09.2016      ​      
ACER/NEG/ADMIN/03/2016: Legal advice service for the staff of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators         
Estimated budget: EUR 60,000         
Approx. launch date: end August 2016         
Deadline to register an interest: 22.08.2016

ACER-ENTSOG 2nd joint workshop on Gas Balancing Code implementation

​ACER-ENTSOG the 2nd joint workshop on Gas Balancing Code implementation


The event takes place: Al. Jerozolimskie 181, 02-222 Warsaw, Poland (URE premises)


Date:  9 November, 2016. 10:00 AM - 16:30 PM




In case you have further questions, please contact ACER/ENTSOG (Balancing_workshop@acer.europa.eu​, balancing@entsog.eu​)​

ACER and ENTSOG organise second joint workshop on Gas Balancing in Warsaw


On 9 November (10.00-16.30), ACER and the European Network of Transport System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG) will organise their second joint workshop on the Gas Balancing Network code implementation. The event will be held in Warsaw at the premises of URE, the Polish National Regulatory Authority at Al. Jerozolimskie 181.  

This year the full day workshop covers four thematic sessions: planning national implementation, information provision, daily imbalance charges and neutrality. 

The workshop will provide an opportunity to discuss the implementation practices and how daily imbalance charges are moving to a locally based reference price. National regulators, transmission system operators and network users are encouraged to join the event. Speakers will include representatives from ACER, ENTSOG, EFET, national regulators and transmission system operators. 

The aim of the workshop is to foster the knowledge sharing across the Member states and to support implementation and the development of best practices. It is highly recommended for countries facing implementation challenges. 

To participate at the event please register here. Registration will finish by 5pm on 7 November 2016.

The draft agenda for the workshop is available here.

ACER-ENTSOG joint workshop on Gas Balancing

Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 52, 1054 Budapest, 17 November, 2015. From 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM


The purpose of this workshop is to present the 2nd ACER-ENTSOG Report on early implementation of the Balancing Network code. The workshop will focus on the status of the implementation of this code. The agenda of the workshop covers implementation models and panel discussions on operational balancing, information provision, imbalance charges and neutrality. 


The capacity of the room has been reached. You can follow the event online via Adobe Connect please click here​.


In case you have further questions, please contact ACER (Balancing_workshop(at)acer.europa.eu)



What is it about?


ACER monitors the effective implementation of the Gas Balancing Net​work Code​ and shares its findings in dedicated reports. Most reports used an enhanced review of the country assessments for all or a large subset of balancing zones, focusing on key features of the balancing design.

What are the main findings?

Interim measures have been terminated in most countries and Code implementation has reached a high degree across Europe, with a few exceptions due to structural market limitations.

What does ACER say?

ACER recommends to increase transparency on information provision, also beyond the minimum requirements, and to explore possible efficiency gains (e.g. via balancing zone mergers) to overcome the persisting structural market limitations that do not allow full code implementation.

What is the Balancing Analytical Framework and how it can serve monitoring?

The Balancing Analytical Framework builds on analysing neutrality as a key indicator to understand robust gas accounting and wider regime performance. The Balancing Analytical Framework serves as a quantitative comparison tool, to quantify whether the role of the TSO is residual in balancing or whether network users play an active role, while shedding light on imbalance price differences and neutrality accounting. The framework facilitates comparisons between various balancing regimes in the European Union. The data used in the analysis was provided by ENTSOG and complemented and validated by the Agency. ​


​To facilitate the discussion and sharing of best practices on the Code's implementation, a series of workshops was organised. These debates included inputs from the Agency, ENTSOG and representatives of the network user community.​​​​

Check out ACER's gas balancing dashboard & learn how to interact with it.

Invite ACER Speaker to your event

Invite ACER Speaker to your event

event - room full of people

Invite ACER Speaker to your event

Speaking Request

ACER is committed to share knowledge and exchange best practices related to its field of work and competences, across the global energy community.   

To invite an ACER speaker to your event, please send an email to press@acer.europa.eu.

PC_2020_E_02 - Public consultation on the ENTSO-E proposal for a methodology for short-term and seasonal adequacy assessments

The proposal for a methodology for short-term and seaso​​nal adequacy assessments in accordance with Article 8 of the Regulation (EU) 2019/941 on risk preparedness in the electricity sector and repealing Directive 2005/89/EC ('RPR') was submitted to the Agency by ENTSO-E on 6 January 2020.

In this regard, the Agency has initiated a procedure to adopt a decision (Ref ACER-ELE-2020-004). The decision shall be adopted by 6 March 2020.

The Agency seeks the views of stakeholders on ​the issues raised in the proposal. Other comments and concerns are also welcome. This consultation is addressed to all interested stakeholders, including the Electricity Coordination Group (ECG, National Regulatory Authorities, and Transmission System Operators.

Responses to this consultation should be submitted by 12 January 2020 23:59 hrs (CET) via the online survey​.