ACER launches its LNG benchmark

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ACER launched its daily Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) benchmark on Friday, 31 March 2023 which complements ACER’s daily LNG price assessments, launched on 13 January 2023.

ACER launches its LNG benchmark

What is it about?

The European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) launched its daily Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) benchmark on Friday, 31 March 2023, as required by Council Regulation (EU) 2022/2576.

The LNG benchmark provides for greater market transparency based on mandatory data reporting, and hence is expected to reflect real-world prices for LNG. Stakeholders may use the LNG benchmark voluntarily.

The daily LNG benchmark complements ACER’s daily LNG price assessments, launched on 13 January 2023.

Access the LNG Price Assessment and LNG benchmark (of 31 March 2023).

Learn more about the LNG price assessment and benchmarks.

What is the difference between the LNG price assessment and the LNG benchmark?

ACER publishes three distinct and independently calculated Delivered Ex-Ship (DES) Spot LNG price assessments: for Europe (EU), for North West Europe (NWE) and South Europe (SE).

In addition, ACER publishes a daily LNG benchmark determined by the spread between the daily LNG price assessment for DES LNG Spot EU and the settlement price for the TTF Gas Futures front-month contract established by ICE Endex Markets B.V.

How is the LNG benchmark determined?

ACER’s daily LNG benchmark (published daily from 31 March 2023) is determined by the spread between ACER’s daily LNG price assessment for ‘delivery ex-ship’ (DES) LNG Spot EU and the settlement price for the TTF Gas Futures front-month contract established by ICE Endex Markets B.V.

When and where will the daily benchmark be published?

ACER will publish the LNG benchmark every weekday as soon as technically possible. The results will be published on TERMINAL.

How has ACER’s price assessment methodology evolved so far?

ACER published the first beta version of its LNG price assessment methodology on 13 January 2023 and the second one on 8 March 2023. The second version increased the robustness of the methodology and reduced the time-lag resulting from the rolling window used to calculate the price (see 6 March news).

The latest version, published on 23 March 2023 and with effect from 31 March 2023, covers both the LNG price assessment methodology and the benchmark methodology.

ACER will continue to periodically revise the methodology and the guidance on reporting LNG market data, in consultation with stakeholders.

Check out ACER’s LNG price assessment methodology documents.

When will the methodology be revised next?

The exact date of the next update is not determined yet.

ACER calls for improvements to the proposed Lithuanian gas transmission tariffs

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ACER provides recommendations to the Lithuanian national regulatory authority, VERT, particularly regarding the existing regional networks and the need to enhance transparency on the proposed asset splits.

ACER calls for improvements to the proposed Lithuanian gas transmission tariffs

What is it about?

ACER publishes today its report on Lithuania’s proposed gas transmission tariffs.

ACER provides recommendations to the Lithuanian national regulatory authority (NRA), VERT, particularly regarding the existing regional networks and the need to enhance transparency on the proposed asset splits.

What is in the report?

ACER assessed the proposed methodology to calculate the gas tariffs, including:

  • The treatment of regional networks;
  • The tariffs applicable to the transmission service to the Kaliningrad District; and
  • The tariffs applicable to the domestic exit to the Achema fertilizer plant.

What are ACER’s main findings?

ACER recommends to the Lithuanian NRA, VERT, to implement improvements:

  • On regional networks, ACER recommends that VERT changes the category of regional networks from transmission to distribution.
  • On the asset split applicable for the transmission to Kaliningrad, VERT should provide clarity on the criteria used to establish the asset split.
  • On the proposed tariff differentiation to the domestic exit point to the Achema fertilizer plant, ACER recommends specifying the criteria on which a consumer, including Achema, could get a different tariff compared to all other regional network exits.

Access the report on the Lithuanian gas tariffs.

Access all ACER reports on national tariff consultation documents.

Registration is open for ACER’s 3 workshops related to the electricity grid connection network codes

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ACER is organising three hybrid workshops in its premises in Ljubljana and online in April/May 2023 on certain technical requirements related to the electricity grid connection network codes.

Registration is open for ACER’s 3 workshops related to the electricity grid connection network codes

What is it about?

ACER is organising three hybrid workshops in its premises in Ljubljana and online in April/May 2023 on certain technical requirements related to the electricity grid connection network codes:

The objectives of these workshops are:

  • To present and discuss potential amendments to two network codes namely the Network Code on Requirements for Grid Connection of Generators and the Network Code on Demand Connection; and
  • To clarify the purpose, process and timeline for the amendments of the network codes.

EU stakeholder associations that are interested in presenting their views (up to 10 slots of 8 min each) on the topics tackled in the workshops should contact ACER on ACER-ELE-2022-015(at) before the deadline indicated in the event pages. ACER will consider the expressions of interest and will announce the final agendas ahead of the events.

What are the next steps?

These workshops precede a Public Consultation, to be organised later in 2023 on concrete amendment proposals regarding the two network codes.


ACER workshop on electricity storage

ACER workshop on electricity storage

Ljubljana and online
11/05/2023 09:30 - 14:15 (Europe/Brussels)

ACER workshop on rate of change of frequency and grid forming capabilities

ACER workshop on rate of change of frequency and grid forming capabilities

Ljubljana and online
10/05/2023 09:30 - 16:00 (Europe/Brussels)

ACER workshop on electromobility, power-to-gas demand units and heat-pumps

ACER workshop on electromobility, power-to-gas demand units and heat-pumps

Ljubljana and online
17/04/2023 09:30 - 16:00 (Europe/Brussels)

ACER approves the rules on cross-zonal capacity allocation in long-term electricity markets

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To enable the implementation of the long-term flow-based allocation in the Core and Nordic CCRs, ACER approved on 22 March 2023 three proposals from Transmission System Operators (TSOs) for amendments to the forward capacity allocation methodologies.

ACER approves the rules on cross-zonal capacity allocation in long-term electricity markets

What is it about?

Europe’s long-term electricity market relies on so-called long-term transmission rights (LTTRs), which allow market participants to hedge their exposure across bidding zones. The allocation of those LTTRs is currently not coordinated across different borders, which leads to inefficiencies in some capacity calculation regions (CCRs).

To enable the implementation of the long-term flow-based allocation in the Core and Nordic CCRs, ACER approved on 22 March 2023 three proposals from Transmission System Operators (TSOs) for amendments to the forward capacity allocation methodologies related to:

  • Single allocation platform, including the methodology for sharing costs for its establishment, development and operation (SAP);
  • Congestion income distribution (CID); and
  • Sharing costs incurred to ensure firmness and remuneration of LTTRs (FRC).

To ensure an informed decision, ACER organised a workshop on 17 November 2022 and ran a public consultation from 26 October to 28 November 2022 to gather stakeholders’ views.

What are the benefits of the new rules?

The newly approved methodologies include requirements for flow-based allocation of LTTRs, aiming to make the long-term market more efficient by allowing competition between the different bidding zone borders of a capacity calculation region and align it with the day-ahead market design. In particular, this revision was needed to enable the implementation of two ongoing projects for long-term flow-based capacity calculation and allocation; in the Core and the Nordic CCRs. To finalise this implementation, the last methodology still needs to be revised: the Harmonised Allocation Rules (HAR).

The Core region comprises 13 countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Croatia, France, Germany, Hungary, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.

The Nordic region comprises 4 countries: Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.


Access the ACER Decision 05/2023 on SAP and its Annex I, Annex Ia, Annex II.

Access the ACER Decision 06/2023 on CID and its Annex I, Annex Ia, Annex II.

Access the ACER Decision 07/2023 on FRC and its Annex I, Annex Ia, Annex II.


See the ACER Evaluation of Responses to the public consultation.